Anyone a Lisa Loeb fan?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Anyone here a Lisa Loeb fan? She was visiting AZ as part of her promotional tour for the newly released album "The Purple Tape". I think she has something on the order of like, 4 or 5 promotional stops, so she hit up a Barnes and Noble to do an in-store performance just down the road from my house a few miles!

I went with my friend Jamie, and we had a great time, and we even got to meet her! So here's a picture of us with her, and since I don't think I've ever posted a picture of goes me, Lisa, and Jamie. Jamie's first reaction afterwards was "OH MY GOSH, I HAVE FAN GIRL FACE, NO!" I think we all look awesome, personally. :)

Also, I took video of her singing "Stay", the song for which she is most popular for singing, I believe. I missed the first 30 or 40 seconds, AND you can hear me singing through a lot of it (sorry!!) but it's a good video. She is like the cutest little thing ever!!!




Tracy :)

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