JimD wrote:
...The last 3 times I contacted Purina Mills,I foundthe accusations to be false.
While net hoaxes certainly do exist and Purina probably has their shareof them, I also imagine the company hasnot (and will not)admitted responsibility, instead choosing to spend their money onspin-doctoring (as in their denials to these queries) and reassigningblame. They are,as noted, simply outspending theirdetractors.
It costs money to test suspect pet food, they symptoms are so varied,the poisoning is usually misdiagnosed because it'sso hardtopin an exact cause onailments likethese.It's similar tolinks betweenvarious chemicals and cancerswhen years ago the corporationswould say somebody died from cancer,from poisoning when infact it was the chemical that caused the cancer --asevidenced by stories likeErinBrockovich. It will take a lot of time and a lot ofmoney to PROVE the danger in a court of law.
Severalof our own forum members havereporteda problem and did sufficient research to convince me thatPurina did haveproblems with batches of pellets used bybreeders, resultingin sickness,miscarriages anddeaths,thus I forone have no interest in standingupfor them, even ifthey are victims of hoaxes.
This isn't to say that Purina pellets will cause problems for people'srabbits, but I have no doubts that Purina pellets have in the pastcaused problems for people's rabbits. The big companies arenot excempt.
If multiple rabbits are sick, even if they're showing differentsymptons, the first thing I'd do is toss out the food and go to adifferent brand, no matter who the manufacturer is.
The bottom line is that it's a crap shoot, and the industry as a whole needs much stronger controls.