Any suggestions on LionHead lop mini care

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
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I currently have a young lion head mini lop, i took him October 15, 2018 at 8 weeks old and im still learning ropes of this breeds care as previous a week before hand my original old guy passed away and was a hotot drawf, named cloud whom we adopted off the streets at least 2 years old and passed away at home nearing the 10 years in age. But back to my newest Companion Kupo, id love any sort of tips on care for this breed. His cage set up in a large rabbit cage that just holds his litter box and small amount of wood chips linked to another four by two foot extender with blankets, his food dish , water dish as well as a few toliet paper rolls and a rope with one rabbit toy he seems not to care much of. Im not home often but he does get on average 3 to 6 hours out of his cage on the week day and about close to 7 to 10 on weekends. He lets me groom most of his body but under his chin and belly we are trying to get him use to. He also gets out and plays with my cat and my dog when my dog is over at the house i keep Kupo in. He does get brushed daily for handful of minutes at a time when he lets me.
Most common thing we do is nap together and he rather enjoys to sleep on my feet and or stretched out fully some place near by.
Id also love some tips on bonding with such a young rabbit, my previous old guy bonded to me after doing his tasting nips etc after the first few months so im use to the older rabbits not younglings like this guy.
Ive included photos of both Kupo(when i got him to now) and his cage


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Also would be great to know Kupos offical coloration or identification!
He does have a red hue to his blue eyes the camera doesnt really catch
His care really will not be that different than your other rabbit. If he gets the thick wool of a lionhead, you will have to make sure he doesn't get matted. But he doesn't look like he will be super woolly. I have 2 lionheads with similar coats & they do an excellent job of grooming themselves.
The wool around his neck and butt before i trimmed that piece was just starting to get thicker so if i miss day of grooming he gets knots all over the place on his mane.

Ahh thank you, just makes things a bit easier, i am so use to the short furred rabbits so i wasnt to sure on everything for a long furred rabbit.
He will probably get better about grooming himself as he gets older. I rarely have to groom my 2 & they never have knots or mats. One is 6 years old and the other is about a year old. But for now you may have to help him.
Hopefully but the more he grows the more he looks doubled maned to me but his siblings of photos i have since have looked singled but with my luck i get the odd ball haha.
It looks like he can only get the top layer of fur as the bottom bunch is all curled and messy and tends to knot more there then to the back of his ears.
Definitely noticed as he has grown that his face is starting to go to a darker grey , now tip of his ears are growing darker at this point they may very much change to match his dark grey tail but rest of his body has stay the silvery grey.
Your cutie is mostly a lionhead. I don’t see any lop in him.
I bunny sit for a few Lionheads. Most of them they constantly gave to brush out so he doesn’t get matted and some actually give them a trim to keep fromingesting too much hair.
3 out of his 6 siblings have lop traits in them and he just got the really awkward ears of almost flopping down butthey dont so they are just really leaned over awkward.
Ive trimmed his butt with clippers already two days ago and he was eerily calm for never having it done before, calmest rabbit i have ever met before , he dozed on the hour bus ride home in my shirt when i got home , played with one of the cats but he was raised with kittens but never seen a dog before so i thought he would scream seeing him but he didnt, booped the dog on the nose and went on his way.
Rabbits get along better with cats and dogs then their own kind. They are just like humans. It takes a long time for 2 rabbits to fall for each other. Just like dating
Ive had other rabbits meet one of my old dogs before , she was a sweet but they just screamed and thumped seeing her so this guy meeting my pup not screaming was new to me totally

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