Any One With a Sleep Disorder?

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I am sorry to hear that... I've heard that that is also very scary, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. The intense fear is a common thread in both sleep paralyis and night terrors... Do you experience that?

pinksalamander wrote:
Probably once a month and only if I get a lie in.

What does this mean exactly?
SunnyCait wrote:
I am sorry to hear that... I've heard that that is also very scary, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. The intense fear is a common thread in both sleep paralyis and night terrors... Do you experience that?

pinksalamander wrote:
 Probably once a month and only if I get a lie in.

What does this mean exactly?

That it only happens when I get a lie in? I don't very often get lie ins so it doesn't happen very often!

I don't always get the terror bit but have done occasionally. The paralysis on its own is more uncomfortable and slightly worrying than incredibly frightening. The hallucination part has only happened maybe 5 or 6 times but it is horrible, although not as intense as some I have read about. Usually I get a feeling that someone is in the room and I can see a sort of 'figure' in the room and feel pressure on my chest, but I've heard people who can see a person sitting on their chest strangling them or people with a knife or something which is far scarier. Its difficult to tell yourself 'its just sleep paralysis' when its happening though. Also I often get whole sessions of it for about 20 minutes because I drift in and out of consciousness and I can feel myself becoming paralysed, then I move and then I drift into paralysis again because I can't wake myself in time before it happens again.
Lie in = sleep in? LOL That was where my confusion was! :D

I think it's worse for those with SP because you are fully aware of what is going on. At least with night terrors they are vaguely remembered if at all.

I wonder why NT sufferers and SP sufferers all envision someone in the room with them trying to hurt them? I guess it's just a universal fear. Do SP episodes sometimes involve snakes or spiders like they do for NTs?
God that really sounds horrific :(

Guess what Cait. The last two days my bf has slept sound as a bug in a rug! Not only did he manage to sleep the whole night but he didn't have any nightmares/night terrors or whatever he is having.
I think it is because he has been much happier the last few days. So this means they must be linked with his depression?

Anyway it's been ages since he's actually manage to tell me, or I've actually seen, him sleeping well so had to tell you!!!!!

I hope everything with ur gf is getting better too :D
I've never had snakes or anything. Only people. (Well a person). I think other people probably can get weird stuff because they say sleep paralysis is probably what alien abductions really are.
Jen that is awesome!! :D :D It could very have well been related to his depression. I am glad to hear he is happier, too. :D Yay!!!

I heard that one time too, Fran, on a documentary about Roswell and that kind of stuff (I love alien crap, haha) about how a lot of people who were "abducted" really suffered from episodes of SP and just didn't realize it. Isn't that odd? I wonder how that works. I watched a sleep special on Discovery Health once about nightmares and SP and all that, but I can't remember any of it. I wonder if I can find it online.

Sorry if I seem obsessive, there's just so much that we don't know about how our brains work, especially during sleep. It's amazing to me!
Thanks! He is really happy- I just hope it lasts. I'm not convinced it will though...if I am totally honest. He goes through a few weeks of no depression, and then right back to being so low, even lower than before.

Yes- It is a fascinating subject, one I know so little about. You don't seem obsessive at all! You seem like someone who is really interested in a subject involving every living things, and wants to understand it better.

Some people just mope through life not caring about anything...not appreciating or bothering to learn about themselves or the world.
Makes me sick lol! :p
Hmm... I hope it lasts for awhile before it goes back. Is he bi-polar by chance? Just asking, and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to!

I'm glad I'm not coming off as crazy as I think I sound. Haha!

Yeah I'm all about the learning... Right now my big thing is sleep disoders, for obvious reasons, but also I really love the topic of elective mutism especially in children, mind mentality of criminal deviants, and just stuff like that. In a nutshell, psychology and sociology, haha. My major is Sociology. It's fascinating.
I don't have proper night terrors, but I do have some nasty recurring nightmares. I will be fine for long periods of time, then suddenly have these nightmares really frequently. Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of them, absolutely terrified. If I finish the nightmare and wake up a little later, I still wake up frightened, and will spend the whole day feeling unsettled. I will sometimes not have a nightmare for a year, but then have them every night for weeks.

I've had the nightmares, on the same theme, since I was very young.

I also have some anxiety issues, especially at night-time. I often have problems falling asleep, because random noises frighten me. I am usually worse when I'm very tired, and of course once I start being frightened, I can't sleep, and get more tired, and it just gets worse. Sometimes, I also have visual hallucinations, I will see flashing lights or shadows appear to be moving.

I have problems with white noise, because that makes me anxious that there's something going on that I can't hear.

I do love naps, and seem to sleep better when I'm napping than I do at night. I sort of suspect that it's because it's usually light outside when I nap, and that is more comforting to me. Safe.
Shnikes... I can now say that I am thankful that she at least will fall asleep. 0.0 That must be awful... And to think the later you stay up afraid the worse it gets... That's got to be really hard! Have you tried anything to help with your night time anxiety?

I totally get the white noise thing... It can be unnerving, because it's point is to block out other sounds. Well what if you want to HEAR the other sounds?

Her anxiety has more to do with being in crowded places with unfamiliar people, walking about alone, going places by herself, guys she doesn't know. She can get pretty awkward in social situations with men, she prefers not to talk to any, haha.
SunnyCait wrote:
Shnikes... I can now say that I am thankful that she at least will fall asleep. 0.0 That must be awful... And to think the later you stay up afraid the worse it gets... That's got to be really hard! Have you tried anything to help with your night time anxiety?

I totally get the white noise thing... It can be unnerving, because it's point is to block out other sounds. Well what if you want to HEAR the other sounds?

Her anxiety has more to do with being in crowded places with unfamiliar people, walking about alone, going places by herself, guys she doesn't know. She can get pretty awkward in social situations with men, she prefers not to talk to any, haha.

I will go through periods when I can fall asleep just fine, and not even be bothered with the noises. Other times, even just normal creaking of the wind makes me jump. When I'm going through a rough phase, sometimes I will take some Benadryl a little while before bed, and that helps to make me sleepy enough to not notice. It also helps if I go to bed before my husband does, but he has a really annoying habit of only wanting to go to bed at the same time I do. (Even if he's really exhausted, he'll stay up until I go to bed, and then be grouchy the next day because "we" went to bed late.) Sometimes the "bad times" will only last a few days, so the Benadryl trick works. I have considered trying some anti-anxiety medications, but I already take so many things for my allergies, the thought of taking one more medication is a real turn-off.

I've had these fears/anxieties as long as I can remember. Same with the nightmares.

I also don't care to be alone around men I don't know, due to a bad experience I had in college. I don't like crowds, and I get really grumpy sometimes when I'm someplace crowded, but I think that's more an annoyance than anxiety.
Hmm. That stinks that the hubby is a butt about bedtimes, but I suppose on the other hand it's sweet that he wants to go to bed the same time as you do.

I wonder why some people's nightmares and such have a clear trigger/reason, and some people just have them and that's all there is to that. Like what part of the brain decides that you will have them regardless of stimulis and triggers, and I wonder if it is something that can actually be fixed... Something to think about.

Yeah her anxiety is from a college experience she had too. This while shebang, all her issues, stem from this one thing. Go figure. Although I've met plenty of ladies who have had no bad experiences and don't like to be around strange men.

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