Another Vet Visit

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Thanks for that Pam but either way, he's beentreated for it so he should be on the road to recovery soon. I'mcertain it's mites with how itchy he is.

He's going to hate me after 3 visits to the vet for Ivermect. Poorbaby.I'm so not looking forward to Mocha and Spice gettingit, they are not half as well behaved as Eli! I'll have to count myfingers to make sure none are missing after that!
I'll post some more as soon as I can. I'm goingto the hot springs in the mountains tomorrow so when I upload thosephotos, I'll upload bunny photos too.
We went to Miette. I didn't even know Banff had a hot spring until last weekend. :?

The downfall, they ripped out the old cold (and man was it cold!) pooland are building 2 knew kidney shaped ones onto it and they wereworkign on it the whole time we were there. :disgust:We gotpiece and quiet when the workers went into Jasper for lunch and by thattime we were ready to leave so we got to feed the chipmunks in quiet atleast.

You could see your breath when we got there! It was so cold but man wasit nice in those pools and being a work/school day for most, the onlyother people there were a few seniors and 2 families with young kids.

Lots of snow on the mountain tops but not all of them and no snow where we drove (thank goodness).

This is the hot springs in the mountain (that's not snow, it was my camera because of the way the lighting was):


These birds were enjoying being treated to peanuts, they even flew and landed right on the table where we sat!



This was one friendly squirrel who really enjoyed us having a bag of peanuts and were willing to share with him:




He was even brave enough to climb right on my lap (yes I bribed himbut he ran up my mom's leg when she didn't want him to at all):


(There was also 2 other squirrels that we were trying to keep happy butthat one was the bravest. He's run up onto our table, up my dad's legs,my mom's leg, my leg, he was loving us feeding him there!)

On the way back down the mountain we stopped at a little rest stop and there is a little water fall called Punch Bowl Falls.

This is standing on the bridge looking up the creek:


And this was me leaning over and taking a picture of the falls from above:


As we walked back to the car, this was the view of the mountain in the distance:



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