I just got in from the vets (yes we were there for an hour) and got Eli settled.
The vet took samples of the dandruff he seemed to have and of the scabson his back. They came back as no bugs but 2 suspiciously looked likeeggs. She looked in his ears and then cleaned them and they looked atthe wax under the microscope and no mites or yeast.
To be on the safe side because he is so itchy, she gave him a shot ofIvermect. He was SO good during that. The vet told me that he wouldfeel it and probably run straight forward so I sat there and pat himand he didn't even flinch! When she was done and pulled the needle out,I stopped petting him and he bolted forward but stopped to give mekisses. She could not believe he sat so quiet for the shot (he lovesattention).
She told me that since his ears are waxy, I'll probably have to cleanhis ears once a month which is quite common in lops apparently.
As for his eyes, she asked me a bunch of questions and agreed it wasnot Snuffles and since the other drops had not worked, it was probablya plugged tear duct. She suggested that when he gets neutered, then Ishould just get his tear ducts flushed to see if it helps.
I got her to double check just incase it was a girl and I was wrong (okso it was well wishing) and she took him to get the "resident rabbitexpert" to double check and all the people in the back had to come andpet him and say how cute he was.And the verdict, Eli is anEli, lmao.
The vet told me that if I notice a change in the amount of itching,then to bring Eli back in 2 weeks and the other boys as well for Eli'ssecond dose of Ivermect and Mocha and Spice's first. They are notshowing signs but I was told there was no harm in treating it just incase.
Overall it was a good visit and Eli was an ANGEL!
But I would NEVER bring them there to get neutered, as we came in,another person was just paying for ehr rabbits visit and was comign infor a neuter tomorrow and they told her no food or water for himtonight. :blink: I was not impressed but figured they could handle theidea of mites and I had a list of bad medications in my pocket.