Another new rabbit

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Oct 23, 2006
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I went to a pet shop, with my dad as he wantedto buy a rat. And I noticed the staff there were putting out newrabbits. So i just watched for a bit, and out came the 4th cage. I sawthis little familar buddle of fluff, and a little grey tail hoppingaround in teh cage.

I walked closer, holding my breath... It looked exactly likemy rabbit Greyson that died a few months back :( God it was alful. Iteven had the little grey dot on his nose. And the Grey ears, and icouldn't leave the shop without it.

I knew i'd hate myself, and get upset if i tried, so i toldthe man i wanted it. It was a girl though! Which i thought was great,As then i can have two boys in one cage an two girls in another.

but the staff guy said i can't put it with thegirl as shes too old to get used to a new rabbit, as shes nearly two.

He told me to put her with the two boys as there both 8weeksold. But I'm sure they've been fighting, as when i was snuggling fudgei noticed a little graze on his back. And a little bit of fur missingaround it. I'm not sure if the two brothers have been fighting, orthey've been fighting with my new girl.

When i went to check on them during the night as i wasworried, i notice the girl had messy fur and she was sort of wet, andhad yellow patches here an there on her fur. =/

Are they bulling her? was the rabbit guy wrong, and i shouldnt put them together? =/
Congratulations on the new bunny! :)I can't wait to see some pictures. She sounds absolutely gorgeous!

Is the new bunny spayed?

If you have noticed some grazes andmissing fur, I wouldimagine they have been fighting a bit, and would not recommend you keepthem in the same cage incase they injure each other. I would imaginethe wet yellow patches to be from them spraying urine on her?

I am sure you will get some better advice from the more experiencedmembers very soon, but just in my opinion, I would recommend you househer seperately from the boys for now. If she is not spayed she canbecome pregnant, and if they were to have a fight it could result inserious injury.

I would let her get used to her new home for a bit in a seperate area,and then read up on the bonding notes in the bunny 101 section if youwish to introduce her to the other bunnies at a later stage.

I thought they had to be five months or something before they could become sexual with each other? there only 8 weeks :eek:

I've put her in her own cage now, None of them have been done, there all new.
Boys can reach sexual maturity as early as 9weeks, if I remember correctly. If she is unspayed (and 2 years old),its possible that you could have some little ones on the way.

Definitely keep her on her own until she can settle in. You have toremember that she is in a new place and is very frightened. Putting herin with bunnies she doesnt know could really traumatize her.

I would leave her in her new cage by herself for at least a few weeksto let her settle. You also want to keep a close eye on her in the nextmonth to be sure she isnt pregnant. Having her spayed asap would be thebest idea.

If this isnt an option, you could try bonding her (once shes settled)with the other girls. Or the boys once they are nuetered. But you willneed to be very careful to take the proper steps when bonding. Bunniescan kill or severely injure eachother if theyre just thrown in togetherwithout proper introductions!

Good Luck and congrats on your new bunny!
hehe you have me confussed XD

The newest bunny which has been sprayed upon by teh boys an prossiblybeen fighting with. Is also only 8weeks, just like the boys.

None of the new rabbits have been anywhere near my 2 year old rabbitsnowey <3 Shes just not interested at all. I guess she missesour other rabbit too much to put up with the new ones.

I have separated teh rabbits, and cleaned the new girl up.The boys looked a little lost when i took the girl away though :p


I think i'll leave it until summer, and there all doctored before iintroduce them so they can play about in the garden as well <3

Thankz <3
She needs her own cage. Rabbits canmate at 3 months, sometimes even earlier for the boys. 5months is a good age for them to get spayed but they are able to getpregnant before that.

Not to mention that rabbits are territorial creatures and should neverjust be put in another's cage. Even with prepubescent babiesthat's still asking for trouble. Please please please read upon bonding! There's lots of info in the Bunny 101 bondingthread:

And this is my personal favorite bonding site:

Although you'll have to wait until everyone isspayed/neutered. Not only for pregnancy reasons, but forhormone-related behavior issues also. At the very least, it'sbest to wait till after everyone's hit puberty because rabbits'opinions of each other can change dramatically with hormones.They become more territorial and often fight with their once-friends.

Best of luck! And congrats on your new girl!
Whoops..sorry for the confusion, when you said the girl was 2, I thought you meant the new girl.

Its still best to wait. Let her get settled in and such, as you said.

Good luck!
This one is Fudge <3

Sooty/Patches <3

Mynew girl <3 can't decide weather to call her greyson as shesexactly the same as greyson. Or think of a new name. So i am justcalling her baby at the moment <3

this one is Greyson, The real one <3 My darling baby who pastaway :( His ears don't look as grey in this picture. But i like it mostas he has his lead on hehe. We spent hours walking round the gardenwith his lead, and when i let go of it he'd come an nibble at me.<3

Greyson,with his sister Snowey <3 Greyson ofcourse has the lead on =pThese were taken over a year ago. The only ones i had taken withGreyson in :( which i regret. So i have started taking a lot morepictures of my babies now <3 hehe


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