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Jan 28, 2007
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Roswell, Georgia, USA
I hope I am posting this in the right section...

We live in Atlanta, GA (USA).My husband and I have 2 girls (10 and 4) and a 3 year old Schnoodle dog named Noah.

Our family just got our first rabbit in Mid December 2006. I think he is a blue dutch??? He is black with white between his eyes and along his nose, a half ring around his neck, and little cute white tip on his left front paw. He is about 18 months old and his name is oreo.

We found him at a pet store. He wasreturnedafter the owners had him for a year or so. They said he was cage agressive and could not bepetted or handled without biting and scratching. It seems that he was kept in a cage much too small and never let out to play. Then they just got tired of having to feed him andclean his cage with no fun in return.

We wanted towork with him to see if his personality would come around. We bought him a great big cage with a connectedplaypen and grass mats and cardboard boxes and wooden cratesand toys, etc. We have transformed our entire Den into "BunnyWorld" I think he has more room in there than we do. We "bunny proofed" the den so he could roam the entire room whenever he wanted. He has really litter trained himself and has had only 1 accident since we brought him home.<WBR>

I have been reading and researching nonstop on House Rabbit Society and other sites since we got him. We want to make sure we are giving him the best care possible. He hashad a Bunny Check up with a Vet referred by the House Rabbit Society in our area.He goes to get neutered in the morning and will have to spend the night at the vet.

He has really begun to show his personality in the lastweek or so. Finally, instead of running away from us when we get on the floor to play with him, he is actually hopping over to us to be petted. What a great feeling. I think he is really a great bunny that just needs some extra care.

My husband and I work from home a lot so he has free time in the den almost all day every day. He and our dog reallyseem to get along. My dog is so gentle and lays there so Oreo can smell him. It&#39;s like he knows that he has to be very careful. Oreo still gets a little anxious if he barks at the neighborstrolling by or a car passing in front of the house, but I guess he will learn to go with the flow just like we have.

I am sure we have a lot to learn about rabbits and would welcome any advice that you have to give. My husband is already talking about wanting to get him a friend but I want to have some dedicated time with him first. I am noticing that most of you guys have multiple bunniesso any advice on that front would be great.


Congrats on your new bunny. I also have a boy named Oreo. I have 6 rabbits in all. 4 that live together in 1 room and 2 in another.
I had 1 rabbit for a couple months before I decided to get him a friend and he didn&#39;t seem to have much use for me anymore LOL. Then I was hooked and got 4 more. I think they definitely prefer to have the company of another rabbit but they do show me love. Anyway I hope to hear all about your new guy.
Congratulations. It sounds like you really spoil your Oreo. He sounds like a dutch. I have a black dutch, Fiona, in my avatar on the left here. Welcome to the forum. I&#39;d love to see his picture.
Hi! Welcome to the forum! Your Oreo sounds like such a cutie!! I can&#39;t wait to see pictures of him!

Sounds like he&#39;s got such a wonderful life with you...what a great bunny family! :D


Welcome to the forum! :)
Well, looking at your avatar picture and your description......that would be a black dutch, not a blue one. But definitely adorable, nonetheless ;)
You&#39;ll find pretty much everything you do and don&#39;t want to learn about rabbits here from all different kinds of people, so you&#39;ve come across the right place.
And kudos to you for taking in a rabbit with &#39;tempermental issues&#39; and working with him; I&#39;m sure he&#39;s in a much better home with you, now. I know my rabbit would go crazy-happy if I gave him the whole livingroom~ Then again, my livingroom has a hardwood maybe not.
OK guys, some new news here ...... I took Oreo to get neutered yesterday. I was supposed to pick him up today at 2PM. I called the vet to let them know that I was on my way and they said that SHE needed to stay another day because SHE hadn&#39;t been able to gopoop yet since the surgery. Sooooo.... Seems he is actually a SHE which was a little of a shock because everyone told me it was a boy. Also, I am pretty worried about why they are needing to keep her another day and why she wouldn&#39;t be able to poop after surgery....

Any Information would be great.

Oh wow...what a shock!!

My best suggestion would be to post something about it in the Infirmary or Rabbits Only sections, where more people will see your post. I would give you straight advice, but neither of my girls are spayed yet, so I don&#39;t really have any experience in the subject.

In the meantime, check out this section on Spaying and Neutering:<WBR>_topic.php?id=12040&forum<WBR>_id=10

I hope that helps a bit! :)


Hi! Welcome! Hope she comes home soon.

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