Another bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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Anchorage, Alaska, USA
I already posted this in my blog but I wanted everyone's opinions...

Yesterday I went to the petstore and was looking at the bunnies. They had a castor minirex :inlove:that I just had to ask to hold. Her fur looked sooo soft and I just had to feel. I said that I already had one rabbit, so they felt comfortable letting me hold her. Oh my goodness am I in love. I really, really wanted to get her. So all last night I was considering how I could handle getting another bunny. I seriously think that I could take care of another cutie. I've had Wash for a little over a year and I feel so much more 'bunny mature' that I really think that I could handle an attempted bond. My boyfriend said that if I get my room all the way clean (I am sooo messy) and make everything ready for a new bunny he will buy me a bunny of my choice. Which makes me think that he believes I can take care of one. I got this all in writing and signed;)Even if I got my room all the way clean, I wouldn't get the rabbit until winter break so that I could spend more time getting to know the knew bunny and introducing'it' to Wash. If anyone really thinks that I could not deal with this, please let me know. I have a limited view of myself and if there are real reasons why I shouldn't do this it's better me be dissapointed than to take in a bunny that I couldn't take care of. There is no place to rehome the bunny here, so it would either live with me forever or end up in a crappy shelter....

MsBinky wrote:
Ha,I have no doubt you could also :biggrin2::highfive:I do have my doubts about you waiting until winter break though. Lol.

hehehe that's possible, but the thought of the bunny welfare may keep me back...and Wash's glares, he was SO mad at me yesterday since I smelled like another bunny :p

Thanks for your faith in me guys :biggrin2:I was kind of expecting someone to tell me I'm being dumb :shock:goodness knows I'm dumb with a lot of other things :p
You NEED another :biggrin2:!

Will you be going to a breeder or adopting from a shelter? I suggest you start looking for one now! Waiting until winter break is probably impossible for most :p.
I haven't been around long and don't know the people much yet, but I think you're one of the people around here that I see as knowing the "bunny facts" and I think from what I know you, you'd make an excellent owner to another bunny.
undergunfire wrote:
You NEED another :biggrin2:!

Will you be going to a breeder or adopting from a shelter? I suggest you start looking for one now! Waiting until winter break is probably impossible for most :p.

I'm not sure, they regularly have mini rexs at our local pet store and I have to admit that I lust after them every time I go in. But I will visit the shelter here and see what Karen has since she doesn't put them all on her website. While I'm over there I'll probably offer to help her take pictures of the bunnies she does have and play with them for a while :)Can't hurt to go visit. Maybe I'll make my bf take me on Sunday so that he can look too.

There aren't very many breeders in Anchorage that I've been able to find and the ones that I have found I wouldn't buy a rabbit from. The breed back to back and use rabbits as a disposable commodity, which I don't approve of (I share Peg's views on that).

Does anyone have any opinion/theories/facts about which genders are easier to bond together?
Is your bun a boy? Then a girl would be best, as long as both are fixed ;)

I think you should start looking around sooner than your break. That way you have time to find the right bunny, have it settled into your home, and get them both fixed (if they're not already). Then, when your winter break rolls around, they and you will be read for the bonding attempts. Just a thought ;)

Yes, Wash is a (semi) boy

And I was planning on looking around before winter break, just not bringing the bunny home until then. Because I'll have about a month off school so that I can get to know the new bun a little bit better than if I got it on a weekend or something. Probably be able to get in some big bonding sesions in there. And if I end up getting a bun from Karen (the shelter lady) I'll bring Wash over to met them all and see if any of them hit it off.

As much as I would love to buya rex from the petstore, I know it's a bad idea because I don't have anyplace to quarntine properly and I don't trust that a petstore bun will be healthy enough. It also wouldn't be fair to not let Wash have a say in a friend that I'm getting for him, like an arranged marriage, just not something I totally agree with.
I have 2 things to say:

1. Yes oh yes you can have another one, and

2. GET CLEANING!!!! One day sooner than you plan you will find the right bun for you and there will be no way you can leave it so have your room ready asap!!
Ben's agreed to go see bunnies on Sunday :biggrin2:Just need to e-mail Karen and make sure she's available.

Last time I saw she had a lionhead, I'll take pictures if he's still there.
:pinkbouce:I'm freeeeaking out with glee! The most monster issue (I think) is parents permission, but since they would mostly be in my room and I'm mostly paying for them now I don't think they'd have much of a platform.

Question: Would it still be necessary to quarantine a bunny if it had been living around other's with no ill effects?
i say if you have the time ,money, space and love to give then go for it. I am not for petstores, so i would say check your local humane society, or local pet listings for someone that is getting rid of a rabbit. This way if you start now then you should be set by winter break.

good luck and you know we want pictures as soon as you get another one.
tundrakatiebean wrote:
If anyone really thinks that I could not deal with this, please let me know. I have a limited view of myself and if there are real reasons why I shouldn't do this it's better me be dissapointed than to take in a bunny that I couldn't take care of. There is no place to rehome the bunny here, so it would either live with me forever or end up in a crappy shelter....
I really admired those, who had more than one bunny. There are responsibilities of time, effort and money,that increases with each bunny you have.

I have always delayed my desire to get a bunny right away. It took me 3 months of wanting to get a bunny, before I found and adopted Pebbles. Then it took me another3years before I adopted Bebe. Both were in need of aforever home. By the way, Bebe was the very first bunny we babysat back in 2004, that got us started in rabbits.

Yes, you have the commitment of owning another rabbit. The hard part is which rabbit is going to own you. :p Let the fun begin.

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