Today is a big day. I have the phone interview in an hour. I'm as prepared as I can be but very nervous. As an introvert (yes I know, I talk SO much, but I am) sometimes it is hard for me to think on my feet. For some reason it's even harder if I have to talk versus writing.
Then I am going to take Becky to a new vet to see if I can get some answers about her eyes dripping all the time. I feel horrible. Last night I found that the fur is coming off where it is always wet! Her teeth have been checked, her eyes flushed, blood work, 4 optical antibiotics, 1 oral antibiotic. So now I'm taking her for a second opinion. There has to be something I can do to help my baby feel better.
On a positive note, Yahni (co-worker) loves the fish tank and the guppies are doing well! I was down to a few guppies in the 10 gallon tank and decided it was getting to be too much work to keep up with both tanks. Yahni's son has brain damage from birth and it will help train his eyes to follow movement, so I feel good that it can really help someone.
Depending on how the vet goes, I hope to get more pictures taken tonight of the kids. Oh, almost forgot. I think I caught Houdini on the verge of being naughty this morning. When I came in to give them breakfast he was on top of their over turned apple box that they use for the main "home/bed". He just had that naughty look on his face. I don't know if it is because he was eating from the hay supply (I store the hay on the back side behind the fence), which case I really don't care. Or he was going to jump up on the desk, which I really don't care since it is against the wall. Either way, he thinks he is getting away with something that isn't bad either way. He so loves being naughty.