And then there were four...

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he's probably a little mad after his owners traded him in for a younger bun, it might take him a while to come around.

hope the bonding works out!
He's at the SPCA right now staying in for treatment for an issue with his manhood. His name is TimTam, Mathew named him, don't blame me :p. I have some pics of him I will post soon.

Some more of my precious, most specialist little girl :D. I got a new camera and I love the indoor pics it takes. I also just bought a car yesterday, it's almost as old as me :p.

"Lady, I've got no food!"


"I'm not impressed."


"Do you like my scarf?"






Carrot-top :p


Can you tell I think Sakura has a curte mouth?


Sakura and Mathews mum, Carol


Oooooh, what kind of camera did you get?

Love the picture of Sakura and her pink scarf hairdo! :biggrin2: And wow her mouth looks just like Ronnie's from the angle in the second to last pic. Kinda weird cause they are almost the same color too. I remember thinking a while back the first time I saw your blog that Sakura was what Ronnie would look like if he was a girl :D
It's a panasonic lumix TZ15, which I think is a TZ5 outside of Australasia. It was a present from Mathew, I think he was sick of me moping around and looking sad all the time :). It's just a point'n'shoot little thing but it's much better than my last camera, which was so old that it was starting to sprout grey hair :p. It's not too bad, it has a tendency to not take great pictures without available lighting but that's compact digital cameras for you. It alsop makes grey toned animals look brownish in low light which is annoying.

As promised, some of Mr Timmy :D.


More carrot please?


how is timmy doing?

how is the bonding going?

i love you little ones!! sakura reminds me of my shadow, they seem to share the same attitude! shadow is not a big people person, only has love for fred!

oh and i am in LOVE with hammish! more pics!!