Thank you so much everybody! I think my girls are just beautiful and it's lovely when others do too
So today I took down the old rabbit pen, it was just too large and floppy for this winter weather, it kept blowing down, and also the girls were getting smart about how to get under it and escape (even when I was yelling and running towards them screaming "nooooo!").
So I've made a smaller and more sturdy one using NIC grids at the bottom for weight. I can put it away in the garage when they aren't in it so that's great.
It's actually quite sunny and warm today for winter, so they had some play time in the sun.
Sakura was in a foul mood :?, and wanted nothing to do with me or Sophie. So she mostly sat in the shaded spot I had made and ate grass or groomed.
So here are some Sophie pictures :biggrin2:.
This is me and the girls, my head was meant to be in this but my arms are so short, I couldn't hold the camera far away enough :?
And here are the couple I did manage to get of miss hissy fit Sakura
This last one of her, is how NOT to hold an angry dwarf rabbit
. She gouged some nasty cuts in me after this :shock:. I was trying to get a picture to show how light and little she is, I can easily scoop her up in one hand.
P.S Bought some rabbit food today and was amused to see the lady at the feed store had called them "rabbet pallets"