And then there were four...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
Auckland, , New Zealand
I've had a break from RO and apon my return felt a new blog tiggling the tips of my fingers, waiting to be typed out :p.

I'm Michelle, nice to meet, or re-meet ya. I'm 25, and live in Auckland, New Zealand. It's winter here but the days are lovely and sunny right now.

I have three awesome pets. I have a cat called Brewster, she'll be a year old this October. Normally she gets called Brew, Brewypooey or Brewbum.

My eldest bun is a nethie called Sakura, she turned one on the 28th April. She is both shy and bold, reserved and affectionate. She's so strong and healthy, she's an absolute joy to have around. Her fur feels like rex fur crossed with silk, it's lovely to snuggle into.

This blog entry features Sakura, stay tuned for the next series staring my other rabbit Sophie, with a special guest appearance by Brewster :p :D.

This is MY warm sunny spot :grumpy:, go away human!

DSC08285.jpg have banana? I feel like being nice to you now.


Ok lady, the banana is all gone, get lost :p.


Whaddya mean, I'm getting fat cheeks?


I'm not fat, see these abs? Abs of STEEL!


I want to break free-eee, I want to breeeaaaak freee....


NZminilops wrote:
This is MY warm sunny spot :grumpy:, go away human!


I love sunny-bunnies. :p Just look at that face... You must have interrupted a dream about being at the beach sipping carrot juice. lol... I could understand why you would want to cuddle her. Her hair looks sooo soft. Sakura looks to be a little treasure-bun. Demanding (like all bunnies :D), but still a cuddle-bun when the situation calls for it -- like treat time.;)

Can't wait to see the rest of your fur-babies! :biggrin2:

Sakura is so pretty! I remember reading your other blog and loving all of the pictures of her. I really like her it blue silver marten? (maybe called blue fox in New Zealand). Anyhoo, all I know is breeders around here don't really breed marten colors but they are one of my favorites! I'm glad I get to see pictures of them in your blog :)
Haha myheart! I loved your idea of her daydreaming about carrot juice :D. Thaqt chair is in the spare room and she always sits in it to catch the afternoon sun.

Hey there, good to be remembered littlebaypoo! Yup she's blue fox, or blue silver marten. I love martens and otters. The only marten colours you normally see around here are the smoke pearls like Billy, which is my favourite rabbit colour. I think most breeders avoid the blue martens here as they can cause ghost chinchillas or something like that, which looks like a speckly blue sable point.

Beautiful photos, Michelle! Sakura is gorgeous :bunnyheart

I love the "abs of steel" caption. Ive missed your witty humor :kiss:
NZminilops wrote

I'm not fat, see these abs? Abs of STEEL!


AWWW, I just wanna tickle her little belly! Sooo cute!

I'm so glad you started a new blog, I'm anxiously awaiting the next instalment and more pics of Sophie! :biggrin2:

Jen xx
Haha thanks you guys, your comments were great! There are so many humourous blogs on here now that I was struggling to think of something funny to do with her pictures. I've uploaded a video of her eating the aforementioned banana, it's long and kinda boring but if anyone is bored and has a few minutes to eat up, it's here:

Now onto Sophie, and it becomes easy to see where I got the double trouble thing from. Sophie, especially as she gets older, looks a lot like Sakura. No surprise there as they are related.

It still confuses me, but...Sakura's sister from an older litter, had a baby, who had a baby with a lop, then that baby had a baby with Sakuras older sister, it's grandma...something like that...who is Sophie.

When Mathew bought me Sakura back last year, I found who bred her from seeing her adverts selling buns. When she showed me this 'failed' litter she was going to cull, I couldn't let her kill them all, so I took Sophie. I don't know what happened to the rest of them. I think she's going to be at this rabbit-lunch thing I am going to this Wednesday with a bunch of rabbit owners from an NZ forum, so will be, ahh, fun :p.

Without further delay, I bring you, Miss Sophie Pofie Loafie. Ahem.

Asbout 10 weeks old, relaxing and playing on my bed, not long after I got her:




And this morning playiing outside


Soph left



Sorry for so many pictures, I'll see if I can shrink them down a little more.

Edited to add, I didn't actually say anything about Sophies personality, silly me. She's very shy, kind of skittish. If she's outside in the run with Sakura, she's nearly impossible to catch. We play the same game every day of me walking quietly behind her gently calling her name, and she darts away and does tactical evasive manouvers :grumpy:. Apart from that she's pretty good, if she's inside on the bed she'll come up to me to see what I'm dong, but will run off if I try to pick her up usually.
Aww Sophies so gorgeous! And of course Sakura;)

Im just addingthem to my bunny napping list :biggrin2:I'm coming up through Auckland later this year so you better watch out lol

Hey Ali! There's MY boy, I miss him so much.

Sakura says she'll go there only if you send Teresa here, as her mother needs at least one diva in the house :p.

I can't believe you still have all those,that's so cool, I lost half my pics just recently when I accidently put linux on and deleted windows :grumpy:.
Of course! I am going through and choosing my faves to put on a cd. Also going to be printing some. Those are getting put in his scrapbook.:biggrin2:
Ya see, that's what I love about Ringo, he's so honest :p.

Today I'm going to visit someone who breeds buns, Penny of Hoppity Hills Rabbitry, hopefully make some new friends. A bunch of people that I chat to on another forum are going too, I think I'll be the only person there who just has pet rabbits. She's also got rats and kittens so I'm really excited to see allo her cute pets. She breeds netherland dwarfs and minilops.

This is one of her babies for sale, I can tell I'm going to have a hard time going there and not coming back with somebunny :shock:.



I am a bit nervous of meeting all these women, I've not had any female friends since I was in highschool, and that was a long time ago :?.

Your photos are just fantastic! So glad you came back to RO so that I can read about you buns/cat.. Their all very cute and too funny - you must update it ALL of the time!!
Ok, just because you insist, I'm going to update here now every 5 minutes ;):p!

I'm not going to the nice bunny-people lunch today after all, instead I have a job interview, blurg. I hate my current job and want a day-time one, so I hope I do well.

Ohmigosh!!! :shock:

Those pictures of Sophie are soooooo cute! Is it just the pictures/me or does she have longer ears than Sakura? I love love LOVE the upside down pic!

And good luck with your lunch today, you are SO gonna come home with more bunnies lol! :biggrin2:

Jen xx

Edit: just saw your bit about not going to the lunch, maybe a good thing seeing that little baby?!! Good luck with your interview instead!
I did end up going in the end and it was great fun! And yes might possibly have a new bunny from there in 4 weeks :p. You'll have to wait and see ;).