Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2011

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JadeIcing wrote:
Thank you. Had an awesome time with the kids. Had all my god kids with me. :)

On another note guess they were wrong about today.

Thats great you had a good time!

I just read where a retired metro worker in NYC spent $140,000! of his savings for posters in the subway and bus stop advertising. A receptionist for the group said she estimated 80% of the staff didn't believe his prediction. Must have been a slow news week too.
At least I don't have to hear about the rapture anymore. What a ridiculous amount of hoopla over something so obviously fake!
I heard about that guy. Wish I had made the signs for him.
Did you hear about the guy who put all of his pets to sleep because of the Rapture Hoopla? Sooo sad!!! What an idiot, what Vet would even do it? Did he do it himself? I was ao saddened by this.
It was good. I recovered today. :)

I didn't hear that. Omg how sad.
I hope so as well. :(
Ok so lets see.


Ringo... Sweet, goofy as always.
Connor... Still proving he is the smartest.
Teresa... We are enjoying her as much as possible. We see her slowing down and just not the same bunny.
Elvis... We worry about how he will do with out her.
Wyatt... Ugh he is a pain in the rear.
Chibi... Is Chibi a sweetheart.
Apple... Is a princess as always.
Gabriel... Is a clown, makes us laugh all the time.
Caspian once known as Chris... Has come around so much. Such an awesome little sweetheart.
Your sig needs to be updated. I count 9 bunnies. ^_^

Oh no about Teresa. :( I hope she continues to live a long, happy life.
Caspian is the foster.
LOL Will fix.....
LOL Will have some this week.


I look at you and my heart swells. So many emotions build inside me. Fear that I responsible for your safety. Fear for your well being. Fear that I am not enough for you. Shock that you belong to me. Shock that I a part of something so perfect. Shock that you are here. The biggest and most important emotion of all love. Love for you. Love that you are here. Love that you are you. Most of all love that you are mine.

Untitled and In Progress

Looking to the future, wondering what comes next. Wondering where life will take me. So many changes taking places every second of the day. The future seems so big, so frightening but I am ready to take it on. Life is a never ending journey. An eternal path of choices, experiences, joys, pain, love and so much more. Winding roads, sharp turns, and even dead ends that won't stop me. Each new experience making me who I am. Shaping me in so many ways. Sometimes I will stumble, I will fall but I won't stay down. I will rise again and I will shine bright. New life, new love, new friends, always something to look forward to. A new day will dawn, and new experiences await.
How's stuff going?

Nice poetry by the way. I've enjoyed reading them. It takes a lot to allow such emotions to come out of one's heart like that.
Well a Tornado touched down on my parents street... So slightly jumpy. So far family is ok.

Thank you. It is a great stress relief.

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