Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2010

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How did the bath and haircut go for Kashi? I just love her and really can't wait until the other groomer at the shop has her litter of Poms. I'm trying to do research on Poms right now and really have to think about it because when we go to move (providing everyone is still alive), then that would be 2 little dogs, 3 kitties, and 4 bunnies (rats will be passed on and mouse probably won't be with us for 3 years). That sounds like such an easy number of pets, LOL....but a landlord might not think so since we will have to rent for maybe a year before purchasing a house.

Are you still thinking about going to groom school? I had a really odd dream that we ended up moving near you and you and I ran a grooming shop/pet boutique together called "Hop To It - Pet Salon & Boutique". How freaking fun would that be?!
Amy I can go on and on about poms you know how I love them. Kashi gets her bath tomorrow. :)

That would be awesome school is still in my head. Not changed it would be awesome if we could. Hehe his cousin could join us too.
JadeIcing wrote:
Myia09 wrote:
I am glad I don't have to deal with heat lamps..they scare me!

You don't have heat lamps?

No, leopard geckos need belly heat, not radiant heat. So I use heat pads.

With heat lamps, leopard geckos can have digestion issues. It is all about natural habitat. They live on hard clay in the wild and make burrows..they are warmed by the sun, hence belly heat. They are rarley out in the open, and they don't bask in sun like other reptiles.

So sand and heat lamps are common misguidence of leopard gecko care.
Myia09 wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Myia09 wrote:
I am glad I don't have to deal with heat lamps..they scare me!

You don't have heat lamps?

No, leopard geckos need belly heat, not radiant heat. So I use heat pads.

With heat lamps, leopard geckos can have digestion issues. It is all about natural habitat. They live on hard clay in the wild and make burrows..they are warmed by the sun, hence belly heat. They are rarley out in the open, and they don't bask in sun like other reptiles.

So sand and heat lamps are common misguidence of leopard gecko care.
AhI for some reason thought you had more than just the geckos. I do have the lamp for added heat for Jax. Now with the bigger tank need a new under one. :p

Bo's new tank....






I still have to buy other things but little by little...

Not yet! I am getting a German Giant Bearded Dragon however, and I will unfortunatly have to deal with those icky heat lamps! I am scared to death of them.

Is that a 20 gallon? Bo is so small! I thought he was a couple years old? The Blue Tounge I rehabiliated had to be housed in a 55 gallon.

But he looks happy and healthy! :)
Myia09 wrote:
Not yet! I am getting a German Giant Bearded Dragon however, and I will unfortunatly have to deal with those icky heat lamps! I am scared to death of them.

Is that a 20 gallon? Bo is so small! I thought he was a couple years old? The Blue Tounge I rehabiliated had to be housed in a 55 gallon.

But he looks happy and healthy! :)
:pNot 20gallon.... The last one is the one I bought...
Awesome! I hear you about waiting to put things in..reptile equipment is surprisingly expensive. What are you planning to add (if anything)?
JadeIcing wrote:

Is that the big one you had when I was there?

It was funny - I was half asleep - stumbling around and wandered into the room and saw that and was like "YIKES".

It woke me up enough to take a look - and then go back out.

Your critters are definitely bigger than our geckos here in Texas (the tiny wild ones I love to watch).
Yay for Bo's AWESOME new tank! I love that little guy...he's gotta be my favorite besides Beardies.

Peg....ICK!!! Those nasty little geckos are your house always scared me so much. They cling to the porch roof and are almost translucent pink. I get the creeps just thinking about they scurrying away. hahaha!
At least they weren't frogs Amy....

I think they're so cute. I like the white ones we see sometimes. Well - not white exactly but not pink either.
Hey I like frogs.

Amy you should see the geckos on the island. There all brown and funny looking.

Peg when I am going to see the geckos by your house i need to make a 8 hour drive one day. Oh and Amy I may fly out to phoenix one day to.

Ali you have to come to me with Apply in hand
I think we just need to get Alicia out here so we can all meet up and do a little weekend vacation.....heeeeey bunny fest in Cali :bunnydance:.

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