Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2010

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The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.

by Anna Quindlen (1953 - )


Awesome pics! I love all that art!

Just a premeditated question on EC. If it's just a cataract, and if we see any symptoms, would the left hing leg be the first?

How did you deal with the first rabbit you ever saw w/ tilt? I'm scared of that, I mean, I cried when I saw the cataract in Snuff, but, it was a sudden change I didn't expect to see, so, it scared me. I've had to deal with some fast moving stuff with all buns I've owned, it's scarey.
I do love that picture.This paticular session I did the bunnies that had b-days or gotchas from January - April.

Here are some of my fave of Connor.









Next post is about Elvis.
Teresa makes me giggle because of her little body and HUGE eye balls.

Oh...and I'm stealing Kashi because I want a Pom now. The lady I work with might be having a litter this fall, so I told Ryan be ready for the cutest little ball of fluff to invade our house, HAHA!
undergunfire wrote:
Teresa makes me giggle because of her little body and HUGE eye balls.

Oh...and I'm stealing Kashi because I want a Pom now. The lady I work with might be having a litter this fall, so I told Ryan be ready for the cutest little ball of fluff to invade our house, HAHA!

Teresa is so pretty and petit.

I just got new pictures and she looks adorable in them.