Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2008

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Nope he was petting Elvis. I am sure it will happen again. I wll catch it. I have a vid somewhere of Elvis walking on two feet for bannana chips.
Aww!!! The pictures are Great and the two look like a match made in Heaven!! Elvis is so gorgeous...his fur is So Bright White!! The King would be proud! probably know it, but Today's Elvis's Birthday! :elvis2:

I hope your Elvis gets a treat in Honor of this Important Day in History.

I hope his new relationship works out better than Elvis and Priscilla did. :hug1 They look so cute together. Thanks for telling me to come here and check it out. It's a great way to start the day! :party:

Anytime. Elvis is something special. I wish you could meet him. He trully does justice to the name.

Carolyn wrote:
Aww!!! The pictures are Great and the two look like a match made in Heaven!! Elvis is so gorgeous...his fur is So Bright White!! The King would be proud! probably know it, but Today's Elvis's Birthday! :elvis2:

I hope your Elvis gets a treat in Honor of this Important Day in History.

I hope his new relationship works out better than Elvis and Priscilla did. :hug1 They look so cute together. Thanks for telling me to come here and check it out. It's a great way to start the day! :party:
Ok so in August 06I joined this group. I had a dog, 4 rabbits, a gecko and a skink. I was happy with my little family. I thought it just couldn't get better.

Shortly after joining I had my Teresa spayed thinking my boys would not be able to be neutered we made the choice to find her a friend because her and Samantha were sworn enemies. Along came the perfect little lop.Dallas stole our hearts that first glance and we prayed they would bond. They did! It made it so much better. He came home November 30th. It was the best day for us. We saw for the first time bunny love at it's best.

January 14th we celebrated Connors first Gotcha day two days later another boy stole my heart. Elvis came home with the intent of being a foster, yea right he became my baby. Few days later we officially started to foster. Our first foster is still part of our family my mom adopted him!

In the last year we had 8 foster rabbits. If ya don't count Elvis. I don't. He was mine from that first glance. Oh and Wyatt was a "foster" who stole my husbands heart. Ok mine too. Each of our foster taught us and became part of hearts. Chibi being the last as all of you know may stay.

I hate to talk about it because I still miss her but I also lost my Samantha. God it still makes me cry like a baby. She wasn't my fur child more so my best friend! I miss her so much.

I first got two guinea pigs in June who drove up from Virginia. Than I got two in December who FLEW in from Texas. Both from wonderful friends Amanda and Amy. I can never thank you too enough. They can make me smile at the worst of times.

So lets see I started with a dog, 4 rabbits, a gecko and a skink. I since than lost 1 rabbit but gained 3 possibly 4. Gained4 guinea pigs.Fostered 8 rabbits. Convinced my mom she needed rabbits and now she has2 of her own.
Wow! You have been busy. And in such a good way too. Thank you so much for your wonderful contribution to the animal world.
binkies wrote:
Wow! You have been busy. And in such a good way too. Thank you so much for your wonderful contribution to the animal world.

Thanks but keep in mind you do just as much. You have contributed so much time and effort to the animals who cross your path. If it was not for you I would not have my Logan and Elijah. Or as Rob calls them Skunk Boy and Peanut Butter Cup.

Well more on my Elvis being the best little bunny. We were at my moms house this weekend and I felt it was a good time for some bonding. I took him in Chibi for the 30min drive and than into a pen for the day for bonding. Chibi was ok till the kids came. There were 4 kids. From ages 2-9. He came right out for treats though.

Elvis on the other hand was my social butterfly. He even let the kids hold him. :shock:I did not let them hold him long but he enjoyed the attention.
Elvis is completely free range. He loves it. At night he jumps up on the bed and sleeps for a bit with me. He actually snuggled into my arms under the sheets and slept.
They are not bonded yet. Still some issues. I don't know how this will turn out If not by the end of Febuary.

I have tried Wyatt and Dallas they did good cept Wyatt is still hormonal.
Well I got the call,Someone wants Chibi.So I need to make a choice.:?

ETA: They just had a fight poor Chibi got a bite. Shoot. I am going to cry. Going to say no.

Things were going so well between the boys. Just some fur pulling. Than today I get a call someone is interested in him but if we want him he is ours. The person has adopted from us before and is a great home.

So I say we will let her know Friday. Get home and let them out together few minutes later they break out in a fight. Ok happens. I look Chibi over and he has an actual bite.

I think with time I could bond with them but I can not let Chibi miss a chance for home. It is breaking my heart but I have to put him first. I just know with time I could make it work.

After this I am going to take a break from fostering or maybe just stop. I don't have the time I used to have for this. I just can't stop crying.

I let my guard down and fell so hard for him. Chibi will lay on my lap for hours.
Oh Alicia, what a hard decision. Perhaps, if you are thinking of not fostering any more and had the time to bond Chibi and Elvis, then you could keep him. You have such a soft spot for him.

But with fostering, you are helping so many.

Whatever decision you make, it will be the right one :hug:

Aww i'm sorry Alishia,i can just imagine how hard of a decision it's going to be

I agree with Jan are helping so many bunnies by fostering them,and it's also so rewarding,yet it must be so hard to give them up as well.

You are an awesome bunny mum though :D

What's that you say, you want a picture? Weeelllll, here you go then. ;)

