Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2008

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Make note Dec 11th Apple is using her litter pan more and more every day.

Also to start keeping track of shedding patterns.

Teresa is shedding right now.
I am sitting here crying. As most know I have been looking for a friend for Elvis. A few were mentioned. They were still in shelters so I went looking to see if I could find them...

This is my Sam


This isArtis
JadeIcing wrote:
The whole thing with Elvis is to much.

I've been thinking about this...and I hope this doesn't come across as condescending as it feels like its gonna sound...

When I think about the rabbits you've acquired (and the guinea pigs) - sometimes it feels like they "dropped into your lap". You didn't go looking for them...but suddenly they were presented before you - and your home was ready for them. I remember even before Apple when you were like, "No more"...yet when she became available - you knew she was meant for your family.

Perhaps with Elvis - you should stop looking and just say to God (or "the fates")..."Whatever you want....we're ready when you're ready to drop Elvis' mate in our laps.." and then wait.

I've been doing a lot of reading lately by people who are successful in their fields, etc. (and by motivational speakers) and it seems like - when people are willing to say, "I'm ready for an opportunity" and even sometimes write down what they're looking for ("a mate for Elvis") - its strange how it will suddenly drop into their life...almost as if the universe was waiting for that person to be ready.

I don't know if I'm saying it right. I do believe Elvis' future mate is out there....somewhere. Maybe though he/she is not yet ready for your family.

Just a thought...
I couldn't agree more. Only two of our bunnies did we go looking for. Ringo and Dallas. Neither one turned out how we planned.

There is Alot of changes we have planned for our home and our lives. As I was telling Peg we want to foster again! We are ready! It was painful having Halo come back only for him to be PTS. It broke something inside me. I can't explain it. I lost my faith in people like I never had before. I was angry and confused. One thing is that Elvis will have a shot with everyone who comes here!

I am happy about what we will be under taking. It's a new start for all of us in this house.
That's so great that you're going to foster again!

It's something I really admire. I would dearly love to do it but I'm really not sure I could cope with saying goodbye, I get attached far too easily. I think it's a very selfless thing to do....

Happy New Year to you and all the buns! :D

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