Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2008

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JadeIcing wrote:

How cute look at that love, and i never noticed what a size difference they had. I will take both of them, i could never seperate that.
[align=left]Few minutes ago it caught my attention I had not seenDallas in awhile. Start searching everywhere...Dallas...Where are you.... and soon.Yea he was sitting on the top of the couchon top of the sheets I just brought up looking at me I was anidiot.[/align]

Don't mind the mess. I am on a move everything around mode again.



[align=left]Explain how I got 1 bunny I didnt want nextday given another I didnt want, By the second day wanted the firstbunny fast forward 1year 8mnths and I have 6rabbits, fostered 2, going on my 3rd, andmod on a bunnyforum. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? [/align]

[align=center]july 05 (8th) Got Ringo (6mnths old) (9th) Given Samantha (1 years old)[/align]

[align=center]oct Married and move in with bunnies.[/align]

[align=center]dec found first rabbit email group. [/align]

[align=center]jan06 (14th) Got Connor (5wks old) (16th) First Vet appt For Samantha and Ringo[/align]

[align=center]feb (21st) Got Teresa (7mnths to a year old)[/align]

[align=center]apr (2nd) (Emergency Vet Visit) 2nd vet visitRingo (8th) First vet Visit Connor[/align]

[align=center]july 06 (3rd) Ringo 3rd visitConnor 2nd vet visit (8th) First Gotcha day Ringo (9th) First Gotchaday Samantha[/align]

[align=center]aug (22nd) Joined this forum.[/align]

[align=center]sept (23rd) Teresa first Vet Visit (27th) Teresa spayed[/align]

[align=center]oct One year married[/align]

[align=center]nov (30th) Adopted Dallas [/align]

[align=center]dec (2nd) Fully Bonded with Teresa[/align]

[align=center]jan 07 (14th)Connors First GotchaDay (16th) Elvis picked up for rescue and fell for him. He is adoptedby us through the rescue.(19th) First Foster (20th) 4th Ringo Vet visit3rd Connor vet visit 1st Dallas vet visit[/align]

[align=center]feb (8th) I became a mod. (11th)Dallas 1st birthday (21st) Teresa's first Gotcha day.[/align]

[align=center]mar (10th) Second Foster (16th) Connor's neuter. (24th) Third Foster[/align]
[align=center](This was posted March 27th 2007)[/align]
Well today right now. I mean it right this second I am working with Dallas, Teresa and Elvis.

Dallas is no longer trying to kick Elvis butt. He is nowmounting him.:shock: Elvis is just taking it. (Started today) I let himdo it a little but I spray if they(Dallas) keep at it. Mind you hedoesn't do it more than a few minutes.

YesterdayI had Dallas, Teresa and Connor together. I would say the same about them.

Dallas is such a butt. He is trying to say he is boss bybeating people up. HELLO DALLAS NO ONE ISARGUING THAT! So chill!
JadeIcing wrote:

See this is what i see, there is a box, he is going to jump in and hope you mail it to ME :wave: :craziness it is funny how two people can look at the same pic and see something completely different,lol.
I think the baby is stealing some of your brain cells. :biggrin2:

Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:

See this is what i see, there is a box, he is going to jump in and hope you mail it to ME :wave: :craziness it is funny how two people can look at the same pic and see something completely different,lol.
JadeIcing wrote:
Last night we are eating pizza anddrinking coke. Elvis comes over lifts my soda dumps itfrom the endtable to the floor on to a plasticbag,he calmly hops down and startsdrinking.

My husband rushes over to help me clean it, heputs his pizza on the couch. Elvis gets mad cause he cant get to thesoda. He runs over hops up on the couch and pees on my husbands pizza.

That's the best story EVER!!
Bunnies know how to get revenge.

mouse_chalk wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Last night we are eating pizza anddrinking coke. Elvis comes over lifts my soda dumps itfrom the endtable to the floor on to a plasticbag,he calmly hops down and startsdrinking.

My husband rushes over to help me clean it, heputs his pizza on the couch. Elvis gets mad cause he cant get to thesoda. He runs over hops up on the couch and pees on my husbands pizza.

That's the best story EVER!!