So I had to move, and I brought my bun with me.So know he's living in the porch, running free, at my parents house,and he seems to be doing okay, but he's very very nervous and tense,and runs away from me sometimes, and I can't really pick him upanymore. I believe it's becuase he's used to being in a house, and notused to the noises and smells associated with the outside, in a moreforested area. But he's so skittish, and has become a bit standoffishwith me. Especially since I can't spend too much time with him as I'mworking. My mom visits with him when shes home, but he's still mad atme. Tonight, I went outside and he thumped at me, andeverytime I spoke, he would look at me and thump, and didn't want me topet him.
Do you think theres any way I can get him used to this, and to be nice to me again?
Do you think theres any way I can get him used to this, and to be nice to me again?