Well-Known Member
Hello Eve - Layla is such a beautiful bun -gorgeous! Well I would say that as my new family member looks sosimilar!! He is called Herbie, have attached a photo, maybe it willhelp you work out the age and breed. My bun was born on the 6th ofApril 2006, so he is 8 weeks old. Herbie is a mini lop.
Sounds like Layla loves you! SOmething that has really worked withHerbie is to give him his treats from my hand only (just at themoment), as he learns to trust me that I am giving him yummyfood andnot stealing it. Also when I am in a relaxed mood with the tv on lowand the lights low, I let him lie on me and sleep and relax, onlygently stroking and he has developed from a slighly nervous bunny, toassociating positive things with him.
I also never pick him up out of his cage as I leave in as his home.However as soon as I open the door, it used to take awhile coming out,but now hops out instantly and also means i am not threatening hislittle home. However if he is in a relaxed mood, i do put my had in andstroke him and let him kiss me
Anyway (I am rabbiting on now...) Well done, looks like you are cracking it! Here is Herbie
jo xxx
Sounds like Layla loves you! SOmething that has really worked withHerbie is to give him his treats from my hand only (just at themoment), as he learns to trust me that I am giving him yummyfood andnot stealing it. Also when I am in a relaxed mood with the tv on lowand the lights low, I let him lie on me and sleep and relax, onlygently stroking and he has developed from a slighly nervous bunny, toassociating positive things with him.
I also never pick him up out of his cage as I leave in as his home.However as soon as I open the door, it used to take awhile coming out,but now hops out instantly and also means i am not threatening hislittle home. However if he is in a relaxed mood, i do put my had in andstroke him and let him kiss me
Anyway (I am rabbiting on now...) Well done, looks like you are cracking it! Here is Herbie
jo xxx