Aggressive new bunny

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I've bought a second bunny without letting Pepsipick out a little friend, although I haven't bonded them.. yet :D. Shedoesn't mind the new bunny being around her cage and will lick herwhiskers through the bars.Seeing thatRodney doesn'tseem to mind,I don't think Rodney will have any problems withthe new little girl.

Don't feel bad about bringing a new bunny into Rodney's space, it seemslike he could care less if he shares his room with a little girlfriend:D
Thank you for the advice bunnybunchof4! I reallylike your funnel idea, I will have to get one to use for putting morepellets in Layla's bowl without being de-fingered :D. And from what yousaid, I might take her for an overall check up at the vet to make surenothing else (like ear mites) is bothering her.

Thank you very much for your reply Spring! I guess the fact that theyaren't fighting through the cage is a good sign. How are your two bunsdoing? Have you done any bonding sessions with them minus the cage yet?Good luck with bonding them!

And thank youhunnybunny63! I'm glad you think the name suits her :).

Today when Layla had her room-exploring time, she lay down facingRodney and their faces were touching through the bars, it was so sweet.I am so glad she isn't trying to bite Rodney. I knowthatdoesn'tsound like a big deal, but seeing them like that mademe feel so positive about trying to bond them one day. Later on, Laylatried to pull some of Rodney's toys out of his cage through the bars,and Rodeny was trying to pull them back in. So far they seem to beinteracting with eachother in a pretty friendly manner. I might putLayla's cage next to Rodney's soon, but I don't want to rush anything.
I haven't bonded them yet except sniffingthrough the wires. I'm a little scared to because I let them sniff eachother through the wires before I went to bed yesterday and today I wokeup with pee like stuff on my wall. I was wondering if this was spraybecause if Pebble's was a male, I read they spray when they cansmella female.. but that's another story :D

I think they might bond pretty nice :D. Most rabbits will if someonestrying to invace their personal space (like layla taking rodney's toys)if they weren't a laid back bunny they might of attacked. all soundinglike good signs! :D is Layla going,is she getting anybetter or is she just the same?maybe when she is bonded to Rodney shemay change her ways and may calm down

Hi Cheryl! Layla is still bitting a fair bit,but I think she likes me a bit more now. She will run up to me and bitemy hands or feet hard and thenlower her head for petting :?.Soat least her bitting is a way of getting attention and notnecessarily agrression now.I am still tryingtodiscourage her from biting me though.

Luckily she has shown no interest in biting Rodney, which is great,otherwise I'd have a big problem on my hands when i try to bond them.There have been occasions when Rodney's ears have been sticking out ofthe cage, a perfect biting opportunity for Layla, but she just liesdown next to him and sniffs him.

Just a tip, rabbits are extremely smart and ifyou get them into "Oh I do this I get this" they follow up veryquickly. I know sometiems when Pebbles nips my hands to rub the base ofher ears (her favourite spot) I would ignore her and turn my back andthat game went south pretty fast. If she bites, just ignoreher :) It worked for me if she's doing it for attention! :)
Thank you for that tip Spring, that's a verygood point you made. I surely wouldn't want to encourage her to bitewhenever she wants to get petted. I just initially obliged because itwas the first time Layla acctually wanted attention from me and Ididn't want to offend her. But I will definately stop doing it now,thank you for the help! :)
Pepsi is a bit of a "Love" niper and it usuallydoesn't hurt unless she does it in the same spot a few times.I usuallyjust lift my arm out of her reach and say I don't think so and pet herwhere she can't reach my arm then she usually settles down a bit.
She's a little over a year and a half. She's notspayed, but I've been looking into it. She doesn't bite me out of beingterritorial she can just be a bit bossy sometimes if your wondering,she's done these little nips since she was a baby:).
She sounds like she has quite a personality. I just checked out Pepsi's bunny blog, what a cutie! :inlove:
Thanks! :) She's my pride and joy. I swearthere'll never be another rabbit who'll win my heart like she does. Onelittle bow for a head scratch and pretty soon I'll be standing theretalkingbaby to her and scratching herearforan hour! I swear she learnt how to hypnotizeme!I just wish she'd stop scaring me with her statis likebehavoir!
Thanks! :) She's my pride and joy. I swearthere'll never be another rabbit who'll win my heart like she does. Onelittle bow for a head scratch and pretty soon I'll be standing theretalkingbaby to her and scratching herearforan hour! I swear she learnt how to hypnotizeme!I just wish she'd stop scaring me with her statis likebehavoir!

I should update my blog..Pebble's hasgotten bigger:) I want her to stay the size she was when I first got her.. she couldfit in my cupped hands now when she stretches out as far as she canshe'll be sitting on my lap up against my chest and she can give mekisses! My babies getting bigger and it's scaring me! :( Lol
Just thought I'd update you on how Layla isgoing. I am so happy, she gave me bunny kisses today! I finally feel asthough she likes me and all the extra time I have spent with her isreally paying off.

She doesn't even seem to mind when I clean her cage anymore. She usedto lunge at my hands and bite me, and now she rolls onto her back so Ican rub her tummywhen I put my hands in her cage!

I just think its soweird that I used to be terrified oftouching her, and now shehas become friendlier than my sweetbunny Rodney. Personality wise,Ihavelearntshe is just a very emotional bunny. When she is upsetor grumpy aboutsomething she will thump up a storm and biteanything that comes her way. But when she is in a good mood, she getsso cuddly and affectionate and won't leave me alone. I'm just so gladshe came into my life.

A very big thank you to everyone who gave me advice and helped me with her. :bouquet:

I know this sounds stupid but try this. Whenrabbits bite or nip each other the one being bit communicates by a highpitched EEEEEEE sound. This tells the biting bunny OUCH! When I had aprob with Daphne biting when she was little I tried this. Although Ifelt goofy, it worked. This might help with the severe bites. I don'tknow about the aggresivness of the rabbit though. Lops are known forbeing let's say "more rowdy" than other buns. It could be that this 8yr old didn't handle her right too many times and she'll need A LOToftime to trust a human hand again. But try the EEEEEEE thingand see if she backs away from you.
Thank you LuvaBun! :)

Thank you for the advice AshtonCasey :).

I have been making a high pitched noise so far whenever she bites, andit seems to have helped a lot. Sometimes she even licked my fingerafter she bit me when I made the noise, so that method has been reallygood with her.