Only in the sense he should have time to acclimate to thecold weather gradually before you relegate him to outdoor living, asopposed to "throwing him out" into the cold some day. Thatprocess ideally should allow him to molt into a winter coat as well, sowould preferably begin in the fall I would suspect.
Having said that, due to changing circumstances here, both Calbert andMissy only got about three weeks acclimation before the cold weatherset it. Both of them are larger rabbits at 6 lbs and 8 lbsrespectively, so they are more apt to, and did, handle it without anyapparent ill effect.
Your climate in Florida should be easier to adjust to, but if you can,put him out during the ideal temperatures of 50-60 degreesF and allowthe warmer weather to "creep" up on him. I don't know whattime of year those conditions, if ever, would exist in your area.
Did you read my excerpts fromRabbitProduction in the post dealing with coldtemperatures? You might find it of value to you somewhat.