advise on bunnies

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Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
Houghton, Michigan, USA
I am getting 3 bunnies from some1 who couldnthave them. they lived 1/2 there life inside but have spent 3-6 monthsoutside. can they live inside or do i have to keep them outside.howlong do i have to keep them quorenteened? please help..

Hey, I'm Ally, the newgirl. I thinkthat whatever you think about where the buns will live is ok.But I do suggest that you keep them inside because if they liveoutside, they can get heat strokes in the summer and get too cold inthe winter. Also, if you put their cage(s) outside and ananimal such as a cat comes and scares them, the rabbits can have aheart attack (I like to call it a rab-attack.) and die. Youshould keep them seperated from each other until they are comfortablearound each other and don't fight. You might want to puttheir cages side-by-side so they can communicate and know each otherbetter. Let them out in the same room and see how they reacttowards one another. If just one is hostile, and the othersare good buddies, still keep them all seperated until the rebelliousone is calm. If there are any more problems, please put it onthe message board! Good luck!!!:)

Yes! Your option whether inside oroutside. By that I mean you could bring them inside withlittle problem after their living outside in the Michigan winter, but Iwould not recommend the converse. That is if they've beeninside of late, it is not wise to put them outside at this point intime. Outside buns should have some time to adjust to theoutside conditions, like in terms of weeks, month or more.

Hard to answer your question regarding quarantining.Quarantining from whom? Each other? Rest of yourherd? A couple of weeks should be sufficient to determine ifthere are any major medical problems existent


Buck Jones wrote:
Yes! Your option whether inside oroutside. By that I mean you could bring them inside withlittle problem after their living outside in the Michigan winter, but Iwould not recommend the converse. That is if they've beeninside of late, it is not wise to put them outside at this point intime. Outside buns should have some time to adjust to theoutside conditions, like in terms of weeks, month or more.

Do you mean I have to slowly make Nepoused to living outside? Because he has lived inside all of hislife.
Only in the sense he should have time toacclimate to the cold weather gradually before you relegate him tooutdoor living, as opposed to "throwing him out" into the cold someday. That process ideally should allow him to molt into awinter coat as well, so would preferably begin in the fall I wouldsuspect.

Having said that, due to changing circumstances here, both Calbert andMissy only got about three weeks acclimation before the cold weatherset it. Both of them are larger rabbits at 6 lbs and 8 lbsrespectively, so they are more apt to, and did, handle it without anyapparent ill effect.

Your climate in Florida should be easier to adjust to, but if you can,put him out during the ideal temperatures of 50-60 degreesF and allowthe warmer weather to "creep" up on him. I don't know whattime of year those conditions, if ever, would exist in your area.

Did you read my excerpts fromRabbitProduction in the post dealing with coldtemperatures? You might find it of value to you somewhat.

Buck Jones wrote:
Only in the sense he should have time to acclimate to thecold weather gradually before you relegate him to outdoor living, asopposed to "throwing him out" into the cold some day. Thatprocess ideally should allow him to molt into a winter coat as well, sowould preferably begin in the fall I would suspect.

Having said that, due to changing circumstances here, both Calbert andMissy only got about three weeks acclimation before the cold weatherset it. Both of them are larger rabbits at 6 lbs and 8 lbsrespectively, so they are more apt to, and did, handle it without anyapparent ill effect.

Your climate in Florida should be easier to adjust to, but if you can,put him out during the ideal temperatures of 50-60 degreesF and allowthe warmer weather to "creep" up on him. I don't know whattime of year those conditions, if ever, would exist in your area.

Did you read my excerpts fromRabbitProduction in the post dealing with coldtemperatures? You might find it of value to you somewhat.

Thanks :). I think his getting used to thecold pretty well. I think at this time of year we're going through thecoldest temperatures. I'll go read that post.

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