Retired Moderator
There is a house that I pass every day going to work. The house is kind of crappy (definititely for our town), and they have a fenced off back yard.
Their fenced off backyard houses a couple goats, sheep, chickens, AND rabbits.
It is HOT outside in Arizona, our town reaching up to 105 degrees on some days. The weather lately has been cool and rainy, some-what humid though.
All the animals in this back yard have free-range, including the rabbits. Every day when we drive by the house, I look at the poor bunnies and feel bad for them. They have to live with chickens and in a dirty backyard.
Well....just a little while ago Ryan and I were driving home from work. What did I happen to see on the side of the road near some grass and thick bushes by the house with the "petting zoo"?.....
The bunny was white with some golden broken pattern. I freaked and made Ryan turn around. We spend atleast 10 minutes trying to get inside of the thick-tree branch like bushes to get to the bunny. It is almost impossible to get in there without loosing an eye or ripping an ear off on a branch.
Then what do I see next? A BABY bunny. He was white with a blue broken pattern. Then what do I see next? ANOTHER bunny, yep...a little guy. He looked just like my Morgan, only darker and no Harlequin markings.
It really is impossible to catch them with out a net. Even with a net, I am not sure how we would get it into the bushes without it getting caught on the branches.
With further investigating of the little area (the backyard of another person's house), I noticed the bunnies (or that mommy bunny) has made little tunnels and it looks like that is their "home base".
My guess is that the broken golden colored bunny is the mom...and she is having babies in that area.
The people who live in that house have atleast 10 bunnies, if not more...hiding some where. I am not sure if they mixed up the sexes of the rabbits, or if they just don't care that the bunnies are reproducing, or they don't know because the rabbit is loose.
Ryan and I took down their address and I am about to "dex-online" it to see if they have a phone number. I would like to call them and talk with them to let them know about the issue here. Domesticated rabbits are loose and reproducing, this is not good.
I would like to know how I should go about this. Should I call the people? Should I go by their house later or tomorrow to see if they are home and bring packets of rabbit care information with me?
I am really people shy, so I am nervous about this. I don't want to call animal control right now, seeing as they may not even investigate it...or they may take the rabbits and euthanize them.
Their fenced off backyard houses a couple goats, sheep, chickens, AND rabbits.
It is HOT outside in Arizona, our town reaching up to 105 degrees on some days. The weather lately has been cool and rainy, some-what humid though.
All the animals in this back yard have free-range, including the rabbits. Every day when we drive by the house, I look at the poor bunnies and feel bad for them. They have to live with chickens and in a dirty backyard.
Well....just a little while ago Ryan and I were driving home from work. What did I happen to see on the side of the road near some grass and thick bushes by the house with the "petting zoo"?.....
The bunny was white with some golden broken pattern. I freaked and made Ryan turn around. We spend atleast 10 minutes trying to get inside of the thick-tree branch like bushes to get to the bunny. It is almost impossible to get in there without loosing an eye or ripping an ear off on a branch.
Then what do I see next? A BABY bunny. He was white with a blue broken pattern. Then what do I see next? ANOTHER bunny, yep...a little guy. He looked just like my Morgan, only darker and no Harlequin markings.
It really is impossible to catch them with out a net. Even with a net, I am not sure how we would get it into the bushes without it getting caught on the branches.
With further investigating of the little area (the backyard of another person's house), I noticed the bunnies (or that mommy bunny) has made little tunnels and it looks like that is their "home base".
My guess is that the broken golden colored bunny is the mom...and she is having babies in that area.
The people who live in that house have atleast 10 bunnies, if not more...hiding some where. I am not sure if they mixed up the sexes of the rabbits, or if they just don't care that the bunnies are reproducing, or they don't know because the rabbit is loose.
Ryan and I took down their address and I am about to "dex-online" it to see if they have a phone number. I would like to call them and talk with them to let them know about the issue here. Domesticated rabbits are loose and reproducing, this is not good.
I would like to know how I should go about this. Should I call the people? Should I go by their house later or tomorrow to see if they are home and bring packets of rabbit care information with me?
I am really people shy, so I am nervous about this. I don't want to call animal control right now, seeing as they may not even investigate it...or they may take the rabbits and euthanize them.