hi there, newbie rabbit owner here. i've been raising rabbits over the summer so i do have some experience (it's been a wild ride), but this bunny isn't domesticated like my others. she's a wild one that was nearly hit by a pick by some workers outside and they handed it off to us. the bunny had been 100% fine until i fed it a large apple slice yesterday. it was acting normally in the morning but in the evening it was suddenly behaving very bizarrely. it blew up like a balloon and can hardly stand correctly. you can see her odd behavior in this video i just recorded:
has anyone had a similar problem? have your rabbits ever recovered from this? i'm nervous but i know that whatever happens was probably nature's plan anyway. god, i really do love this bunny.
has anyone had a similar problem? have your rabbits ever recovered from this? i'm nervous but i know that whatever happens was probably nature's plan anyway. god, i really do love this bunny.