advantage meds negative reaction day later

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2013
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Yesterday i took my 2 year old in to be checked over as hes been off the past few days. During the exam the vet took notice of how thickened his skin was. In the past few months i did bring this up to my regular vet but was brushed off as he didnt know what it was. Anyway,this new vet,and yes he is specialized in rabbits-suspected mites although he didnt see any outward symptoms. He plucked off a chunk of hair and viewed it under the microscope. He said he has burrowing mites and treated him with advantage. This morning hes been quiet,not himself,he refused some banana. He was fine yesterday which concerns me.
I just offered another piece of banana and hes eaten it. Is it possible the advantage has made him feel a bit sick? Ive never had a rabbit on it so not sure if this is something normal or not. hes not even hopping around much,just sits in one spot for a bit,maybe will lay down,but for the most part hes not moving much.
Yes, it is possible. Any antiparasitic can have the risk of side effects. How severe depends on the particular rabbits sensitivity. Or if any is ingested or too much is applied, those are additional risks. Could he have reached the application site and groomed any off ingesting it?

Then there is if Advantage II was incorrectly prescribed (doesn't treat mites), as the additional ingredient in it can cause a reaction in some rabbits. Or if it's the Multi, the moxidectin in it could possibly have been overdosed due to having a more narrow safe dosage range than other mite treatments for rabbits.

Do you know if it was Advantage II, or was it the Multi with moxidectin in it? Do you know why the vet used Advantage and not one of the more typical mite treatments for rabbits, like ivermectin or Revolution (selamectin)? It's just that the main Advantage ingredient (imidacloprid) is for fleas not mites, so I can't see a benefit of using it over the other safer options, when it's not needed and adds an additional risk of a negative side effect from the additional antiparasitic?

You could try wiping off the area where it was applied. Though that may be difficult to get much off. If your bun isn't hardly eating, you'll likely need to start syringe feeds right away. Also contact your vet asap to see what they advise. But if you're concerned it's more serious and/or your rabbit may be having a life threatening negative reaction, you need to immediately get your bun to an emergency vet knowledgeable about rabbits. Thoroughly washing off where it was applied topically is the first step the vet will need to do.
i called the vet and spoke on the phone with them. It was the advantage multi and they were confident it wasnt a reaction rather more a response to the die off of the mites. He is 2 years old,the only rabbit affected that i have,hes had polydipsia and polyuria FOREVER, His skin is very very thickened all along his back going down his shoulders and going into the jaw and neck. The vet told me since hes never been outside in the grass hes likely had it from birth and that it can emerge years later to where the rabbit shows symptoms such as his. I have been giving the ivomec but i think my bottle has gone bad-ive had it a few years now even though its not expired till next year.
Hes looking better tonight,hes pooped a ton,he ate for over 10 minutes straight. I was out and came home and he was standing on his rear legs so excited to see me. The vet did slide said he saw one dead curled up and saw some eggs. He said normally you wouldnt see them in the hair but he did see the one in the hair he yanked out. This is an exotic vet hes seeing 100%
Yes, it is possible. Any antiparasitic can have the risk of side effects. How severe depends on the particular rabbits sensitivity. Or if any is ingested or too much is applied, those are additional risks. Could he have reached the application site and groomed any off ingesting it?

Then there is if Advantage II was incorrectly prescribed (doesn't treat mites), as the additional ingredient in it can cause a reaction in some rabbits. Or if it's the Multi, the moxidectin in it could possibly have been overdosed due to having a more narrow safe dosage range than other mite treatments for rabbits.

Do you know if it was Advantage II, or was it the Multi with moxidectin in it? Do you know why the vet used Advantage and not one of the more typical mite treatments for rabbits, like ivermectin or Revolution (selamectin)? It's just that the main Advantage ingredient (imidacloprid) is for fleas not mites, so I can't see a benefit of using it over the other safer options, when it's not needed and adds an additional risk of a negative side effect from the additional antiparasitic?

You could try wiping off the area where it was applied. Though that may be difficult to get much off. If your bun isn't hardly eating, you'll likely need to start syringe feeds right away. Also contact your vet asap to see what they advise. But if you're concerned it's more serious and/or your rabbit may be having a life threatening negative reaction, you need to immediately get your bun to an emergency vet knowledgeable about rabbits. Thoroughly washing off where it was applied topically is the first step the vet will need to do.
Excellent information
Id be more inclined to say he was tired/stressed from the vet visit itself and it had nothing to do with the meds. Glad hes feeling better.

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