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Apr 25, 2006
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Hi - I just signed up here. I have amale 1-1/2 yr old california mix that needs a new fureverhome. He is bright white with black ears and a few blackdots. He is used to his humans, but decided this year hewould make enemies with his other rabbit buddy. Probably dueto the fact that they are both males. He is a hartyrabbit with a playful curious attitude. I have small kidsthat handle him on a regular basis. He will eat out of yourhand. He has bitten our clothes every how and then when weare holding him, but I think its becasue we smell yummy! Thereason we need him to find a new loving home is because now that he andHopper dont get along, they both have to be caged up and we dont likethat idea very much. So please email me if you are interestedin Oreo. Thanks a
Are your rabbits neutered? If not that would mayhelp the situation. Sometimes hormones get in the way. Where are youlocated? This will help other members know if they are close to you orpossibly help you transport him to a new home.
Hello, and welcome to the forum. I can tell fromyour post that you care very much for your bunny . I am sure you andyour kids are very attached to the rabbits and would like to make asuggestion before you get rid of one unnecessarily. First of all thereare articles in the resources section on bonding. I, myself only haveone rabbit but have read up on having two rabbits. As they get oldertheir hormones get in the way and they start to argue. Neutering canhelp with hormone related behavior problems and they heal fairlyquickly as long as you use a vet that does the procedureoften. We have a section on the main forum page on bunny savyveternarians. If you go on the house of rabbits website they havearticles that tell you the questions to ask the vets. How often they dothe procedure, whether to withold food from the bun(no), and you shouldtake the bunny home that day.
In the meantime you can let them out for playtime separately. I wouldalso like to suggest you look over the forum and use the search at thetop of the screen to find topics to help you in the meantime. Pleaselet me know what you think and if there is any way I can help. A lot ofpeople read the forum and may have other suggestions so pls check backoften. If you still want to rehome pls pm me, I also live in Illinois.;)

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