Those cages are absolutely disgusting.With all that filth I'd be terrified about fly strike.Rabbits kept in unsanitary conditions are easy prey for that kind ofthing, and it's not pretty. No rabbits should live inconditions like those - let alone bear litters in them. I'mnot a huge fan of wire bottom cages, but provided they are kept *clean*and the rabbit has a board or such to rest on, they'refine.Rusty, encrusted cages will take away anybenefit of having wire bottoms, as the filth just builds up in them andcatches loose hair and stool.
Hose those suckers out, scrub them hard with a wire brush, and spraythem all over with a white vinegar and water solution or rustremover. Make sure to rinse them well. If you'rehaving a hard time cleaning them easily, then they aren't a good styleof cage and I'd replace them with models that are conducive to goodhealth and easy cleaning. Decent cages are well worth theinvestment. Otherwise, your rabbits are going to stink, beprone to health problems, and you're going to have difficulty takingcare of them. Rabbits are very clean animals, to make themlive this way is quite cruel.
How big are those cages, anyway? A rabbit needs room tostretch, and certainly extra room to bear and raise a litter.Can you even fit a nest box in that doe's cage? Is she goingto be able to even move with a growing litter in there with her?
I see the tipped bowl in there. It's vital that you invest insome good water bottles that don't leak, or HEAVY crocks that therabbits cannot tip over. Rabbits need fresh,cleanwater at all times. Heat stroke is common inrabbits. You can also keep them cool by filling a soda bottlehalfway with water, freezing it, then putting it in the cage.Please keep their food and water sources clean, and check themfrequently.
How about giving those poor things *something* to do in there,too? Toys are cheap and often free if you'recreative. Empty toilet paper rolls stuffed with hay,cardboard boxes, untreated maple, apple, or willow branches, cheap hardplastic cat toys, baby keys/rings, extra hay to play in, paper bags,etc are easy to find. I don't think your rabbits are veryhappy in completely bare cages with nothing to occupy themselveswith. A bored rabbit is often a depressed or destructive one.
The Jersey needs to be groomed, badly. The doe is thin-you should not be able to see backbone and hips likethat. Both rabbits look freaked, as well as out ofcondition. What are you feeding them? I read thecomment about sweetfeed, and I'd steer clear of that. Whatyou need is a high quality pellet like Purina or Oxbow, with lowprotein and high fiber (17-18% or higher). Please give themplenty of fresh timothy hay, too. Don't buy the cheap feedstore stuff, you're not doing yourself or your rabbits any favors.
It's all in your hands whether you will choose to make your rabbits'lives better or not. I highly suggest you take people'sadvice here. Your rabbits depend on you - they cannot cry forhelp, they cannot feed, water, or muck themselves out. Theyneed stimulation and exercise, as well as good sanitation.