Aaron1 rabbit pics

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IF you have raisedbaby rabbits before you would know that they shouldn't be kept in suchHORRIBLE conditions. Think of all the bacteria that is lurking aroundin your cages.

What are you going to do with the babies?Sell them I assume? To who? "Nice" People right? Well what if down theroad those "nice" people cant take care of the rabbit any more? Are youjust going to let them send it to a shelter? What if that shelter is akill shelter? That means you are breeding rabbits to die! Is that whatyou want to do?????

Baby rabbits (and all rabbits for thatmatter) should go out with an adoption contract stating that if for anyreason the owner can not take care of the rabbit any more they are toreturn it to the place they adopted it from. But would you do thatwould you...no I don't think so!

You have rabbits that you don't even know the breed of.

They are living in HORRIBLE conditions.

Theydon't have pedigrees.

You don't know their backgrounds.

You don't know if they have any genetic problems that they could pass down.

You are definitely not informed enough to even THINK about breeding rabbits.

They are not purebreds.

Seriously I could keep going, but thoseare just a FEW of the reasons why you shouldn't bring babies into thisworld.

I really feel bad for them if you do decide to have babies. Poor souls.

~Amy :growl:

As for you breeding them... Hundreds ofrabbits and small animals - baby, young, old, mixed breed, purebred, ofall sizes and ages - are euthanized in animal shelters all across thecountry every day because of situations like this.

Responsible rabbit breeders (of which there are few and far between, inmy opinion) have taken a great deal of time to learn all the factsbehind breeding, as well as carefully choosing their PUREBRED,genetically sound stock. They work to improve the rabbit breed, notonly in looks but in temperament and health. They don't just breed forthe fun of it. They recognize there is an overpopulationproblem, and that breeding more animals has a cost beyond that ofmoney. They never sell to pet stores or to unscreened homes, or dumptheir "culls" in shelters or flea markets. They never breed rabbitswith known health or temperament issues, nor breed mixed breeds to sellto auction or pet stores to "supplement" their income.

Rabbit breeding is a complex, difficult field that requires not onlymonetary resources (do you even have money for a vet if something goeswrong with your doe or the babies?), but a great deal of knowledge ingenetics. Even if you think you can find homes for the babies, pleasedon't breed pet rabbits, particularly those of unknown history andmixed breed. Mixed breeds make just as wonderful pets, but there is noreason to add more animals to this world unless you work to improve abreed in all aspects. There are far too many animals out therealready that need homes, and way too many irresponsible and unethicalbreeders as well.

It's too late, here, I know. But I can only hope that youwill step up and take responsibility for these lives you arecreating. I work in rescue, *this* is what leads to peoplelike me having to euthanize healthy animals simply for lack of ahome. Don't kid yourself - even if you find homes for everysingle one of those babies that were created just on a whim, you arestill adding to the problem. If you're going to breed, learnabout it and DO IT RIGHT.

I would highly suggest you read the following links and take them to heart.




Hi Blackthorn.

Welcome to the forum.

Seriously that is awesome information! :)

It seems like we will get alone nicely, weseem to have the same views son this subject :D

Nice meeting you :)

ayglnu13 wrote:
Hi Blackthorn.

Welcome to the forum.

Seriously that is awesome information! :)

It seems like we will get alone nicely, weseem to have the same views son this subject :D

Nice meeting you :)


Thanks, Amy! I'm new here, but definately not to rabbits..heh! It's nice to meet you, too - it's always good to meetpeople who care about bunnies. :)
FreddysMom wrote:
Amy, I have a new nickname for you....:mad:residentpitbull:mad:....:pyou get 'em!

Some ones gotta do it :D

It actually really bothers me when people"breed for fun" and when I am serious about something I get reallypassionate about it :) Cant help it :D

Blackthorn45 wrote:
it's always good to meet people who care about bunnies. :)
Definitely!!! :D

There are SOOOOO many people who come onhere saying that they are going to breed their rabbit and just see whathappens. I makes me SO ANGRY! :X



lol. I luv her. :p and you. :p You have some good info posted there. :p

Blackthorn45 and I go way back. she has a rescued mini rex of mine thatwas 'dumped' at a local gas station parking lot around here. Maybesomeday she'll share pictures of her two bunnies with us. *Nudge nudge.*
Does anyone else wonder if this is a troll??

carloyn I dont think its a troll. Just somestupid kid raising rabbits for the wrong reasons. But maybe with peopletrying to talk sense into him, we can change his mind or help him. thatis if hes willing to listen.
I hope so too, but with all of this informationand no response back, it does make me wonder if this individual is herefor help or here just to upset.

Was just curious.

Aaron1, what says you????????

ayglnu13 wrote:
Blackthorn45 wrote:
it's always good to meet people who care aboutbunnies. :)
Definitely!!! :D

There are SOOOOO many people who come onhere saying that they are going to breed their rabbit and just see whathappens. I makes me SO ANGRY! :X


That kind of thing just makes me start waving my hands gesticulating wildly and making funny grunting noises.;P

When I look into the eyes of one of the animals condemned to death atmy shelter, and know it's therebecause someone wanted to "seewhat happens" or experience the "miracle of life"or try andturn a quick profit..... or even worse, because of sheerlaziness and stupidity..

There aren't any words for it. Honestly.
Blackthorn45 wrote:
That kind of thing just makes me start waving my hands gesticulating wildly and making funny grunting noises.;P

When I look into the eyes of one of the animals condemned to death atmy shelter, and know it's therebecause someone wanted to "seewhat happens" or experience the "miracle of life"or try andturn a quick profit..... or even worse, because of sheerlaziness and stupidity..

There aren't any words for it. Honestly.
So sad....:(

Do you run a rescue? I run a small rabbitrescue out of my home. I cant have a lot of rabbits at a time but I dowhat I can :)


I worked at an animal shelter until veryrecently (had to quit, after a year of it, it was killing me inside),and I still volunteer there on a regular basis. I alsoclosely work with several small animal and rabbit rescue groups in thearea. :) I foster, transport, help with education and events,etc.

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