Aaron1 rabbit pics

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Aren't they just the cutest. I lovethe Jersey boy. He looks so fuzzy. Momma is a real cutie too.I bet those babies are going to be adorable.

Punkins! :inlove:

Looking forward to seeing and hearing about the babies.

Umm not tryingto be mean. But, hedidnt know what breed they were till he im'd me last night, and askedabout it. And he never said the one was pregnant but did ask me if Icrossbred mine. To which I said no, but only for breed type improvementpurposes. Cute bunnies. But I think he needs to learn a little bit moreabout breeding, differrent breeds, care, and proper cage care first.

Ok guys don't hit me.
i so agree. its not fun to breed justto breed especially when you runa rescue and get alot ofthese rabbits in because of situations like that!please learn what your doing before just breeding them.theres alot to learn and know to make sure everything goes well andthese babies go into good loving homes. there are so manyunwanted bunnies out there and i hate to see people add to the problem!
Not to mention the cages dont look clean. :( That dwarf doe kinda looks on the thin side too if you look close enough.

dixonsrabbitry wrote:
Not to mention the cages dont look clean. :( That dwarf doekinda looks on the thin side too if you look close enough.

She may not be a Netherland Dwarf -- could be a UK Polish or USPetite. That would better explain her slimmer build and theshape of her face.

The cages aren't pristine, but feces don't appear to be piledup.Personally, I don't likerusted cage bottoms, and try to replace mine when the bottoms begin torust because feces and hair are more likely to stick making them harderto clean.

A good scrubbing and some spray paint can really spruce the cages up.

I would want to be certain they can't tipped their dishes and that theyalso have constant access towater.

Theres buildup of dry poo in both pictures. You can see it in the foreground caked to the one I just posted.
I'm also seeing hips and ribs on that rabbit.Good indication shes not being fed good. and you shouldnt see that onany rabbit period. not even the slimmer typed breeds. I know britpetitie owners here. They dont look like that. And I happen to knowthat shes getting some off brand rabbit store food(he told me throughIM. He didnt even know what brand when I asked him aboutit!Just gets whatever is there on sale I guess) and mixeswith sweet feed. I just hope he knows how to mix the sweet feed.

A good hose down will do those cages some good. Though I doubt thatwill happen if hes not listening to me other people from here about it.
the reason they look skinny is because the picswere took the first day i got them the guy that i got them from didnthave any water in there cage they are well fed and watered
What do the cages look like now?

you shouldnt be breeding them because they are two differrent breeds.And you got them from a BYB for cheap($8) instead of a good breeder.When I asked you why you didnt go with a good breeder you said theywere too expensive.If I wouldve known you had bred themtogether, trust you me, i wouldve let you know the other night. Youhave no idea what you are doing breeding them. You shouldve waited tillyou have more experience with rabbits, and at least know what breedthey are. Or at least least asked the forum before breeding them. Ifthey were being well fed then you should know what kind of pellets youare giving them. Like I told you the other night the feedstore offbrands are not good for them, just because they are cheap and loadedwith corn. Do you even know how to mix the sweet feed? Obviously youhavent had the rabbits for very long either. Breeding should be wellresearched and carefully planned. not just throwing two rabbits ofdifferrent breeds in a cage together. Not only is not a responsiblething to do, but do you realize the consequences from that? go look atpet finder and look at how many rabbits are listed because someonedecided to throw two rabbits together without knowing what they aredoing. Look at all the homeless rabbits that are dumped in sheltersevery week because of someone 'breeding for fun.' I hope you have extracages and nest boxes for the babies. Its gonna cost you money. i hopeyou have a place for that doe to get inside so she can have her litter.Ehhh!
i've had rabbits before they have had babies and i have extra cages and i also have a nestbox
I mean SERIOUSLY do you THINK you are going to be making money off of them or something??

Here is my gains and losses this year....

Had a litter of 5 babies.....

At 2 weeks they all had to go to the vet for a check up = - $60

At 4 weeks one of the babies had to go in for a check up = - $35

Sold 3 babies for $30 each =+$90

Another baby had a spinal injury and was brought to the vets = - $200

Then the baby passed away. :(

So in all I made a whopping - $205 (Do you see that is a NEGATIVE SIGN!)

I am 16 years old ok, I only make $100 a week, and %50 of the money I make goes to the rabbits.


You have NO idea what youaredoing, whatif she kills the babies? What is shehas a stuck kit? What if she gets mastitis? What if she doesnt feed thebabies? Do you know how to hand feed? I THINK NOT!

Seriously kid cometo yoursenses.....

ive got a milk replacer if she does not feed them ive raised a baby rabbit before
Those cages are absolutely disgusting.With all that filth I'd be terrified about fly strike.Rabbits kept in unsanitary conditions are easy prey for that kind ofthing, and it's not pretty. No rabbits should live inconditions like those - let alone bear litters in them. I'mnot a huge fan of wire bottom cages, but provided they are kept *clean*and the rabbit has a board or such to rest on, they'refine.Rusty, encrusted cages will take away anybenefit of having wire bottoms, as the filth just builds up in them andcatches loose hair and stool.

Hose those suckers out, scrub them hard with a wire brush, and spraythem all over with a white vinegar and water solution or rustremover. Make sure to rinse them well. If you'rehaving a hard time cleaning them easily, then they aren't a good styleof cage and I'd replace them with models that are conducive to goodhealth and easy cleaning. Decent cages are well worth theinvestment. Otherwise, your rabbits are going to stink, beprone to health problems, and you're going to have difficulty takingcare of them. Rabbits are very clean animals, to make themlive this way is quite cruel.

How big are those cages, anyway? A rabbit needs room tostretch, and certainly extra room to bear and raise a litter.Can you even fit a nest box in that doe's cage? Is she goingto be able to even move with a growing litter in there with her?

I see the tipped bowl in there. It's vital that you invest insome good water bottles that don't leak, or HEAVY crocks that therabbits cannot tip over. Rabbits need fresh,cleanwater at all times. Heat stroke is common inrabbits. You can also keep them cool by filling a soda bottlehalfway with water, freezing it, then putting it in the cage.Please keep their food and water sources clean, and check themfrequently.

How about giving those poor things *something* to do in there,too? Toys are cheap and often free if you'recreative. Empty toilet paper rolls stuffed with hay,cardboard boxes, untreated maple, apple, or willow branches, cheap hardplastic cat toys, baby keys/rings, extra hay to play in, paper bags,etc are easy to find. I don't think your rabbits are veryhappy in completely bare cages with nothing to occupy themselveswith. A bored rabbit is often a depressed or destructive one.

The Jersey needs to be groomed, badly. The doe is thin-you should not be able to see backbone and hips likethat. Both rabbits look freaked, as well as out ofcondition. What are you feeding them? I read thecomment about sweetfeed, and I'd steer clear of that. Whatyou need is a high quality pellet like Purina or Oxbow, with lowprotein and high fiber (17-18% or higher). Please give themplenty of fresh timothy hay, too. Don't buy the cheap feedstore stuff, you're not doing yourself or your rabbits any favors.

It's all in your hands whether you will choose to make your rabbits'lives better or not. I highly suggest you take people'sadvice here. Your rabbits depend on you - they cannot cry forhelp, they cannot feed, water, or muck themselves out. Theyneed stimulation and exercise, as well as good sanitation.


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