A scary evening

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Very long and unexpected trip to the emergencyclinic with Raph last night...he came very close to dying, and thismorning I had almost come to the decision to have him euthanized. Butmoments after I arrived at that decision, he perked up and began tochow down on food and water, and then he reached out and tried totaste-test my cat Tasha...so I knew he was more or less back tonormal...normal for him, anyway.

I won't give the long version of what had happened, but it appears thatRaph aspirated some of his food while he was eating his dinner and gotit into his lungs and airway. He was gasping, and a great deal ofdischarge (mixed with food) had come out of his nostrils, and his lungssounded 'raspy'. I'm positive he came very close to dying in my arms,as he was going through all the motions of 'death throes' (a horriblething to witness if the animal is in pain). I've never felt so helplessin my life as I did last night...so I did the only thing I could thinkto do at the moment. I held his body, placed my hands over his ribs andlungs and prayed to AA Raphael (Raph's namesake...the angel of healing)and asked for help. Whether or not my prayer was heard and answered isa debatable point, but for all intents and purposes, I do believe itwas. Raph began to improve a tiny bit, enough for me to be able to callmy brother and get Raph out to the emergency clinic. After discussingoptions (euthanasia being the one that was recommended) I decided tobring him home with some Baytril and see if he would respond. The vetonly gave me enough for two treatments, as she didn't believe Raphwould pull through...but this morning he'd perked up, and bymid-morning was not only able to swallow his meds (which the vet alsothought he wouldn't be able to do) but he dove into his food and water.So now he's resting, and I'm still attempting to let go of the stressthat I went through as well. I managed to pick up enough Baytril todayfrom my regular vet to last for 10 days of treatments; hopefully itwill help prevent any infection from setting in, or from treating anythat could already be present.

So I'm taking it one day at a time with Raph, one stress at a time. Icame very close to making the decision to end his life last evening,but so far - thankfully - he's quieter than normal, but otherwise seemsto be responding well...and I pray that he continues to do so, if it ismeant to be.

Oh Di! How frightening :(

The same thing happened to Peanut - I'll never forget howterrified I felt as we rushed to the vets. She turned out fine, ofcourse, but in the moment I was sure she'd pass in my arms.

Lots of :hug2:
oh, i am so sorry he (and you) had a rough night. . .but i am happy he pulled thru it.

everytime i look at herman i think about ralph and i just can't helpbut feel sorry for you, because i don't think i could handle the stressand struggle that ralph is going though. . .

i hope he makes a full recovery. . .give him a big hug and kiss for me!

I'm happy to hear that he's pulled through and is eating again...what a sweet, sweet boy...

Keep us updated, ok?

Hugs and love!!!!

Oh my goodness Di..how terrified you must have been!

What an ordeal you both went through,but thank god Raph is ok!!

Oh you must give the little guy plenty of kisses from me

And many hugs to you,for what youwent through :hug2:


Thanks guys...

I'm keeping a close eye on Raph tonight as he still isn't quiteokay...he has been breathing a bit heavier than normal ever since thisbegan, and tonight he's become listless again. The vet had asked me notto give him his Metacam today, so I don't know if he's quiet due todiscomfort, but I'll watch him. His alertness from this morning kind ofdisappeared as the afternoon went on. Guess all I can do is watch andwait, and make him comfortable...and prepare for the worst if he keepssliding back.

Will let you know how he's doing...thank you all...
We're all behind you and praying for you and Raph, Di!

You poor thing.I hope you're taking care of yourself as wellas Raph. Try and take a couple of moments to pamper yourself as well.
Bassetluv wrote:
Thanks guys...

I'm keeping a close eye on Raph tonight as he still isn't quiteokay...he has been breathing a bit heavier than normal ever since thisbegan, and tonight he's become listless again. The vet had asked me notto give him his Metacam today, so I don't know if he's quiet due todiscomfort, but I'll watch him. His alertness from this morning kind ofdisappeared as the afternoon went on. Guess all I can do is watch andwait, and make him comfortable...and prepare for the worst if he keepssliding back.

Will let you know how he's doing...thank you all...
Oh no!,this is just not good news at all!,i wasn't expecting this...poor Raph :(

I will be praying so hard foryour little guy..he just has to be ok!

I know i'm going to be thinking about him all day today now

Ack! I just saw this!


I hope you both are feeling better today.
Well, last night I had decided to have Rapheuthanized, and if my vet had been there when I'd called, I would havetaken him right in. But - divine timing - the vet had just left theoffice not 3 minutes before my phone call. So I made an appointment fortoday...12:30, to be exact.

Last evening I was so upset, starting to believe what some around me(here, in 'real life') were telling me...that he should be put down,that I was only prolonging his life, etc...and then in looking at him,he seemed to be laboring a bit with his breathing. So I made thatsudden decision to do what was best for Raph.

Yet as soon as I hung up the phone I felt such a sickness at the pit ofmy stomach...it felt wrong. Everything in me was saying hedidn't want this, despite his not being able to walk, despite theepisode Sunday evening that caused him to fight so enormously. I didn'tknow what to do, so finally I went up to Raph and hugged him, thenlooked him in the eyes and asked him - through my tears - what to do. Iasked him for some sort of sign to give to me to indicate if he'd hadenough.

A few moments later I got up and brought him some lettuce leaves, andRaph literally yanked them out of my hands. Then I brought him somemore, and then a carrot, and then his bowl of pellets...and he ate asif he hadn't been fed in days. Prior to this his appetite had been sortof up and down....but I took this as the sign I needed. This morning Icalled the vet's office and cancelled the appointment.

I have no idea how long Raph wants to remain for...could be days, couldbe years...but I will try and learn to listen to him and only him fromnow on. I left him this morning in his cage...he was a bit pissed off Ithink, because he does struggle with sitting upright at times - hisbody will slide down despite the rolled-up towels I have beside him,and then he has to really maneuver himself in order to get back up, sooften just stays there. But so far, he seems to still have that will tolive, even through frustrations and a very scary episode. He's a toughlittle guy, I will certainly give him that...and he still can put thecat in her place if she crosses that invisible line he drew on thefloor around *his* space.

So thanks all...I'll update every so often with how he's doing...I'msure he'd love to know that he's so loved (and it would undoubtedlywould go straight to his ego ;)).

~Di & Raph

(evenstarlight, this was the first time Raph's had a problem where hecouldn't breathe very well and was struggling...and I guess calling ita 'very scary evening' was putting it quite mildly...)
Keep hanging in there, BassetLuv.Ralph may keep telling you that he's not ready to go yet. Myvet has told me that many times people rush to have their animals putdown because they believe it is what's best for them, but the animalstill has a chance of recovery. My mom was ready to put ourdog down when she was not eating for a few days, but I begged andpleaded with her to wait and my dog made a full recovery and is doingjust great (she is pretty old though, 15!). My thoughts andprayers are with you.
YAY RAPH!!!! What a wonderfulboy...I'm so happy to hear he's doing a bit better, and that hecommunicated his wishes to you so clearly. What a wonderfulboy! :)

Thank you, everybody...

With Raph it has become a day-to-day thing; every day I wrestle withwhat is best for him...am I doing the right thing, etc. I am trying togo by what he communicates to me, but it's hard sometimes. Right nowI'm trying to figure out a solution to help him be able to sit upbetter, as he has very limited support of his front quarters as well.If I put him into a sitting position he can maintain it so long as hehas something to rest against, but if he is sitting without support hewill eventually slide down to his side, and then it's very difficultfor him to get up. I've posted in the disabled rabbits forum to ask forsuggestions with this...I do have rolled up towels in his cage, butduring the night and when I'm not there in the daytime, he does manageto wind up on his side, which certainly can't be a pleasant position tobe in for hours at a time. I've also begun to try and give him somemuscle therapy with his legs...I don't know if it will help, but hedoesn't seem to mind it.

I guess I don't have to tell you all that I've been an emotional wreckthis past week...and am as up and down with my emotions as Raph hasbeen with his health. Still, I do know that all will happen as it issupposed to...it's just darned hard to go through it sometimes. And Iwish the weather was nicer, I could at least take him outside to sit inthe sun if it were May or June...I know he'd love that (then again, sowould I)...

Oh Di, Im so happy to hear he's still hanging on and fighting. What a strong boy he is.

I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

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