A scary evening

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Hi Bassetluv!

I am on vacation in AZ, just checking in. I was really scaredthere for a minute. I know how hard this is. I'mglad he's eating and pulling through. You are a wonderful bunmom. He couldn't ask for a better caretaker, that's forsure.

Raph-I hope you feel well. Be happy and stay w/ mom as longas you can. I'm sending prayers your way you little sweetpea.

P.S. Tell mom to post some good pics of you, I'd love to see some. :pray::)
Snuffles and Haley, I guess yesterday and thefirst part of today was pretty hard on me. This evening when I camehome I felt a bit better, as Raph was looking 'perkier' than usual.LOL...he seems to be a bit spoiled now too, as he absolutely refuses todrink his water unless I give it to him in a syringe. When I put thewater dish in front of him he turns his nose up at it, yet if I presentthe same water to him with a syringe, he grabs it and begins drinkingit all up. I've added pedialyte to his water (apple flavor) and he doeslove the taste...but only if it's served to him. ;) He also loves theBaytril, as he grabs frantically for that as soon as I get it out.

Tonight Anna was flying around the house, and she kept jumping up nextto Raph on the sofa and would groom his cheeks. So at one point Raphtried to return the favor, but - being a guy - just hasn't quitemastered the art of touch. He pulled a chunk of fur out of her rearend... Men(!) :? *Said tongue-in-cheek* ;)

maomaochiu wrote:
How is he doing now??!!


Thanks maomaochiu...believe me, prayers and positive thoughts mean so much...:)

Well, I just wrote a bit about him (as you were posting), so I guessI'll say that right now Raph is as good as can be expected...betterthan he was yesterday. I was told that disabled bunnies have good daysand bad days, and that the bad days can be hard to get through for bothrabbit and owner. Now I can see why...

Thank you so much for your prayers :)
Oh, forgot to say to Snuffles...I wish I couldpost new pics of Raph, but my son took the digital camera back toToronto with him when he returned to school after Christmas. :( If Ican talk my sis into borrowing her camera at some point I'll get someof him and Anna.

And I hope your vacation is going well! It's gotta be warmer than here, anyway...:D
Hee Hee, don't mean to rub it in, but it was 80here today. We just got back fom Laughlin-NV and it was75! It's chilly now outside, but nothing like I'm used to-athome it's like 15-:run:.

How's Raph doing tonight? I feel bad for both of you. :hug:
oops...I went to bed right after I posted,Snuffles, so didn't see your post. Raph was doing quite well lastnight, thanks! :)He hung out with me all evening and watchedtv ('Children of the Corn' was on...Raph covered his eyes with his bigears whenever a scary scene came up...:scared:...hehe).

This morning he was looking okay too. Didn't eat all of his food, butdid down a majority of it. His poops were a bit changed though (smallerandnot as many), so I'll have to keep an eye on that. I willbe happy so long as I'm sure he's comfortable. :)

And it certainly isn't 80 deg. here...this morning it had warmed up to-22 deg. C. I looked like a stuffed penguin waiting at the bus stop,with all the layers of clothing I had on. Can't wait for spring!

Hehe...I can just picture it!! Itreminds me of how Flower covered her face with her paws way back (inMay, hehe) when I took her over to the BunnyLuv rescue to be checkedout, after her rescue. She covered her face with her adorablelittle paws while the lady was trimming her tummy hair (so as to try toeliminate as many matts in her fur as possible)...it was SOadorable!!! I wish I'd had my camera...but I would've neverthought of it...I was busy crying in seeing how bad a shape she was in,and realizing she was so young, and this is all she'd experienced oflife thus far.

Anyway, I thought I'd share...I just love it when animals cover their faces...it's so sweet! :D

Glad to hear Raph's doing fairly well. I hope to hear continuing improvement. :)

Thanks for asking, eveningstarlight...:)

Raph has his ups and downs, but for the most part is holding his own. Ihaven't seen any increased mobility in him (he still needs to bepropped up with rolled-up towels most of the time, though he sometimeslie with his front end upright on his own), but overall he looks betterthan he did a few weeks ago. He has a great appetite, and I've movedhis cage next to a window so he can at least be entertained that way.In the evenings he sits with me for a while, or is in his little doggiebed...and Anna sits with him at times, so he has company.

The biggest thing with Raph is his upkeep...he takes up a great deal ofmy time now. In the mornings before I go to work I have to clean outhis bedding, give him some food, his medicine, his night cecals (yuck)and syringe-feed him water. This last thing has been the mostfrustrating as I'm not sure if he's getting enough water, but herefuses to drink on his own any more. However, he must be getting afair amount of fluids, cuz the boy sure can pee! When he's lying on apuppy training pad in the living room I have to make sure the entirearea has towels around, as Raph's a real deadeye when it comes tocreating his own little water fountains! And in the evenings when Icome home I have to do it all over again, plus give him a bath if heneeds it, and put lotion on his skin. I also try and massage hismuscles for him to alleviate some of the pressure they must feel.

In June I am supposed to travel down to Toronto to attend my son'sgraduation. He really wants me to go, but I'm not sure I'll be able tofind anyone willing to take care of Raph for me. My sister and brotherwill take care of the other animals, but they don't want to take onRaph, and I can't really say I blame them. Guess I'll cross that bridgewhen I come to it...hopefully I will be able to find a vet clinic thatboards pets who will agree to give him the care he needs. My vetdoesn't provide that service.

So...so far he's doing as well as can be expected. I also started himon glucosamine/chondroitin, which (hopefully) will help his joints oncehe's been on it for a couple of months. Crossing my fingers there...:)
You're an incredible person for taking such goodcare of Raph. I'm amazed because I don't know many peoplethat would do the same. (hugs) to you and Raph.

Thank you Honeypot...though I imagine any bunnyloverin the same situation would do the same for their littleone too. When I got Raph I never expected to be taking this on, but Iguess we never know when something is going to happen with any of ourpets (or other family members as well). It can be stressful at times(like the night I was holding Raph over the sink bathing his rear endand crying into his fur at the same time...that was a rare 'bad'night), but my reward comes when I see Raph dive into his food,ornudge his head upwards to my hand in an effort to have hisface stroked. And you know, I believe he really does appreciate itall...last summer I recall having to be cautious when feeding Raph, ashe would sometimes attempt to bite me when I'd put my hand in his cage(issues over me coming between him and Anna). And all of the times he'dlunge at me from beneath the shrubs outdoors - his covert attempts attaking me out with the element of surprise...what always saved me werehis comical, clumsy tumbles just before he'd reach the target...myankles. Raph's always been close to me, but he did become somewhatterritorial when Anna arrived on the scene - that danged maletestosterone kicked in bigtime. However, now whenever I come home togreet him he struggles to get right to the front of his cage, lookingfor me, and when I hold him he gives me kisses - something he neverused to do. He just has this look on his face that tells me he's happy- at least as happy as he can be - and that's why I couldn't faceputting him down, despite two vets urging me to do so. When the daycomes that he no longer wants to go on, I think he'll let me know, butfor now he's a happy, poopy, wonky-legged bunny with a disability, anda heart as big as his appetite. :)

Who knows...maybe having Raph will prompt me to start writing someday...maybe he'll have his own story. I know he deserves it...
He is such a special guy. Bless you for doingall this for him. I know how difficult it is emotionally to see yourlittle guy so helpless. Youre doing such a great job.

I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
I wish I could come up there and take care of him for you when you're gone.

There is nothing quite like taking care of a disabled bun....it can betough at times - but what a privilege it is and what a bond you candevelop with them...


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