Well-Known Member
Very long and unexpected trip to the emergencyclinic with Raph last night...he came very close to dying, and thismorning I had almost come to the decision to have him euthanized. Butmoments after I arrived at that decision, he perked up and began tochow down on food and water, and then he reached out and tried totaste-test my cat I knew he was more or less back tonormal...normal for him, anyway.
I won't give the long version of what had happened, but it appears thatRaph aspirated some of his food while he was eating his dinner and gotit into his lungs and airway. He was gasping, and a great deal ofdischarge (mixed with food) had come out of his nostrils, and his lungssounded 'raspy'. I'm positive he came very close to dying in my arms,as he was going through all the motions of 'death throes' (a horriblething to witness if the animal is in pain). I've never felt so helplessin my life as I did last I did the only thing I could thinkto do at the moment. I held his body, placed my hands over his ribs andlungs and prayed to AA Raphael (Raph's namesake...the angel of healing)and asked for help. Whether or not my prayer was heard and answered isa debatable point, but for all intents and purposes, I do believe itwas. Raph began to improve a tiny bit, enough for me to be able to callmy brother and get Raph out to the emergency clinic. After discussingoptions (euthanasia being the one that was recommended) I decided tobring him home with some Baytril and see if he would respond. The vetonly gave me enough for two treatments, as she didn't believe Raphwould pull through...but this morning he'd perked up, and bymid-morning was not only able to swallow his meds (which the vet alsothought he wouldn't be able to do) but he dove into his food and water.So now he's resting, and I'm still attempting to let go of the stressthat I went through as well. I managed to pick up enough Baytril todayfrom my regular vet to last for 10 days of treatments; hopefully itwill help prevent any infection from setting in, or from treating anythat could already be present.
So I'm taking it one day at a time with Raph, one stress at a time. Icame very close to making the decision to end his life last evening,but so far - thankfully - he's quieter than normal, but otherwise seemsto be responding well...and I pray that he continues to do so, if it ismeant to be.
I won't give the long version of what had happened, but it appears thatRaph aspirated some of his food while he was eating his dinner and gotit into his lungs and airway. He was gasping, and a great deal ofdischarge (mixed with food) had come out of his nostrils, and his lungssounded 'raspy'. I'm positive he came very close to dying in my arms,as he was going through all the motions of 'death throes' (a horriblething to witness if the animal is in pain). I've never felt so helplessin my life as I did last I did the only thing I could thinkto do at the moment. I held his body, placed my hands over his ribs andlungs and prayed to AA Raphael (Raph's namesake...the angel of healing)and asked for help. Whether or not my prayer was heard and answered isa debatable point, but for all intents and purposes, I do believe itwas. Raph began to improve a tiny bit, enough for me to be able to callmy brother and get Raph out to the emergency clinic. After discussingoptions (euthanasia being the one that was recommended) I decided tobring him home with some Baytril and see if he would respond. The vetonly gave me enough for two treatments, as she didn't believe Raphwould pull through...but this morning he'd perked up, and bymid-morning was not only able to swallow his meds (which the vet alsothought he wouldn't be able to do) but he dove into his food and water.So now he's resting, and I'm still attempting to let go of the stressthat I went through as well. I managed to pick up enough Baytril todayfrom my regular vet to last for 10 days of treatments; hopefully itwill help prevent any infection from setting in, or from treating anythat could already be present.
So I'm taking it one day at a time with Raph, one stress at a time. Icame very close to making the decision to end his life last evening,but so far - thankfully - he's quieter than normal, but otherwise seemsto be responding well...and I pray that he continues to do so, if it ismeant to be.