A Memorial To Apollo

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[align=center]Apollo's Trip to the Baseball Game

[align=left]One sunny, Virginiaday, Apollo got to go to Jeremy's baseball game! He was soexcited! Arriving at the game, Apollo was so happy to see hisJeremy playing baseball.During thefirstfew innings, he cheered Jeremy on. After several innings,Apollo got very bored.[/align]

[align=left]Then, all of asudden, Apollo felt a hand stroking the soft fur on his back.Then another hand, and another, and another. He loved all ofthis attention. Girls and boys were smiling at him and givinghim kisses. Apollo just layed back and enjoyed itall.[/align]

[align=left]At the end of the game,Apollo was the center of attention. Children were pointing athim and telling their parents how they wanted a bunny just likethat. But when Jeremy came, Apollo was the happiest ofall. He had a huge grin on his face as Jeremy picked himup. Apollo liked the other kids petting him, but he wouldalways prefer Jeremy's love.[/align]

[align=center]The End[/align]

[align=center]I hope you like it,Tina.:)Oh, I also made a haiku poem about Apollo. Here itis:[/align]

[align=center]Apollo Wollo[/align]

[align=center]Great big hunk of love you are[/align]

[align=center]He'smy Flemish friend.[/align]


The time has come I think you know
the Lord is calling so I must go
I love you so much; I wish it wasn't so
I wish I could stay; I don't want to go

You're the best family a pet ever had
so kind and gentle never mean or mad
I'll never forget the day that we met
I was so lucky to become your pet

You opened your door and showed me your heart
I'll never forget you; we'll never part
You loved me and cared for me over the years
you taught me everything and took away my fears

The Lord is calling now I must go
but before I go I want you to know
I know it hurts to lose a friend
but I'll always be with you even to the end

[align=center]:rose: A TIME TO REMEMBER :rose:

They come into our lives for such a short time
a time we wouldn't trade not even for a dime
Then before you know it the years have flown by
and then all of the sudden we're saying good-bye

It wasn't that long ago we said our good-byes
we held on to you tight as you closed your eyes
Your spirit has flown home on the wings of a dove
into God's loving arm's; in heaven above.

Over the days we've shed many tears
but the memories we have will live on for years
We feel your presence and we know that your near
you're keeping us safe and calming our fear.

We think about memories from years past
when you were young and strong and ran so fast
we remember all the great times that we all had
how you always made us happy never made us mad
They were the best and happiest years we had
we'll always look back on them and never be sad
We look forward to the time we'll be together again
and we thank the Lord for such a great friend.

Now you run and play up in Heaven above
cradled in God's arms covered with his love
Playing by the Bridge waiting for the day
we come down thru the meadow to the bridge to stay.

[/align] [align=center] The love that you showed us we'll never forget
[/align] [align=center] because to us you're one very special pet
You're like a star in the dark of night
always watching over us with the Lord's light.

So now we take time to remember our best friend
who will always be with us even to the end
We'll always remember you the way you were
one big lovable huggable pile of fur



One for you Tina, I know it was one of the ones that you would like

Is this "The Picture", Tina? Iremmbered you saying that you always wanted a huge white rabbit and apicture of a white Flemish and a magician inspired you.


I like the story of when you were sick andApollo broke his cage to be with you. That story just shoeshow much he loved you. He sensed that you were ill and thatyou needed him and he came. That is love anddevotion. :tears2: As for pictures there are toomany to choose from. He was so photogenic and a ham.
OMGosh, Jenni, where did you ever find that picture?

That picture is the first one I ever saw of a Flemish Giant. Iinstantly fell in love and wanted one. Look at how that rabbit is justkinda dangling there but is totally at ease.

I want to thank everyone. Your contributions here are appreciated so much more than you know.


Okay so this isn't a picture or anything but this is a poem I wrote about Apollo while I was in school. :)

Apollo Wollo, beautiful boy.
It was you who always brought us such joy.
Hopping around, at a flemish pace;
We really enjoyed your possum face.
You sent mom a sign; said 'Apollo Smiles',
and we know to see you again will be worth the while.

stanleysmommy wrote:
Thank you Tina. I really hoped you would like it. :)

How could anyone not like it? It's great, stanleysmommy.


Lissa, yup he was really sleeping.

I was typing on the forum and heard this loud thudfrom behind me. I turned around and that's what I saw. I tiptoed up tohim to make sure he was still breathing. Yup, still breathing, tiptoeback and grab the camera. He lay there like that for a good while justsnoozing away.


I'm going to have to delete my avatar, everybody thinks I'm Tina. <sigh>

But I'll still be thinking of Apollo. He really was quite thebunny. :star:
dajeti2 wrote:
He scared me to death when he did that. I've lostcount of all the gray hairs he gave me doing stuff like that.


I know the feeling! Hahaha!

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