A Gift for Sebastian's Little Girl With Love from her Forum Family

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That is great and it is going up. I sure hope she can get this soon before it gets really cold.

SLG and Raz I sure hope this works out for you guys. I sure hope thatsomeday we can meet up and get to know eachother. I would love to meetSebbie and I am sure you would love to meet MeatHead too.
Hey everyone,

I am SLG's aunt, Michelle. I was diagnosed with RA at the ageof 8 and have lived with it all my life. I am in tears overthe love and kindness you all are showing my niece. Onlysomeone who suffers chronic, daily pain can understand what yourgenerous donations mean to SLG.

I am also concerned about Raspberry's health and her ability to cope,so in addition to praying for SLG, pray for Raspberry too. Mychurch has been praying and my pastor says to expect good thingssoon. But it's people like you who's heartfelt prayers reachthe heavens, that make the difference.

You're all awesome!! God Bless you!!
Bless you and all your family as well'as a childi to went through a lot of tests and xray's as i was suffering fromsevere pain in my legs to the point where i could'nt walk at times andwould callapse in the school playground.I also had to have physio on myback as i have an arch in my spine.Thankfully it turned out to be withme my bones were growing much to fast so my muscles in my legs werebeing stretched and the pain was horrendous.I'd hate to think of thepain slg must be going through and maybe have to cope with it all herlife is so cruel'but she seems to cope very well for a child of herage.I just hope she finds some relief from having this pool it must beso stressfull having to watch your child suffer so and not being ableto help'let's hope they find a cure oneday. Goodluck to youall you have a lot of friends willing to try and help.Onnie:hug:
Sebastian wrote:
I am also concerned about Raspberry's health and her abilityto cope, so in addition to praying for SLG, pray for Raspberrytoo.

I'm concerned about Raspberry's health as well. She wouldn'tspeak up if something was bothering or hurting her. They'rethe kind of people that you have to keep a close eye on.

I'm glad you stopped in Michelle! Don't be afraidto share this post with those people at church! Winter'sgoing to be here before we know it, and we still have a long way to go.



Ihave to say this. Justseeing pictures of SLG really makes me want a little girl of myown. What a beautiful, determined little girl.


SLG is getting much worse. Doctors report was quite upsetting yesterday.



I am praying so hard for SLG and we have gottenbad news this morning as well for DJ's mom. I will bring the old threadup and it will be in there.
I am so sorry to hear she is gettingworse. :( No words can make herbetter. It's just too sad.

I'm glad you've shared the story, Raspberry. :)


I took SLG to the physical therapistyesterday to be fitted for a brace. When we first got there he watchedher walk and then had her stand in some different positions. He wasdoing a lot of things that really had nothing to do with her ankles andI was becoming concerned. He finally turned to me and said he thinksone of her legs is shorter than the other. I thought I was going to getsick.

Severe damage to the joints, which results in stunted growth, or nogrowth, is one of the things I've feared the most. The PTcouldn't tell without xrays what part of her leg was shorter and he wasgoing to call her Rheumatologist today and talk to him about what weneed to do next regarding an orthodic or whatever. I'm beginning tofeel very worn out and frazzled.

SLG on the other hand seems to think her new brace is very cool! :cool:

What a precious little girl. her positiveoutlook and joy for life makes her an angel on earth. learning abouther and her wonderful family, give me the courage and faith to be abetter person.

lotsa prayers and love from my family to Rasberry's,

I know this iscommon, but with SLG they have always measured her bones because of thepossibility of this happening to her joints. She has always grownevenly up until now. I sure hope and pray that it's notrelated to the JRA... I haven't heard anything from them yet.

I hope you all don't misunderstand. I'mnot saying the idea of her having a disability, or anyone else for thatmatter, having a disability, makes me ill. It was the realizationthat her disease might be progressing that made me feel ill.

Completely understood, its got to bedevistating... :(:(I love to see the pics of herwith Sebbie, he seems SO good with her...I'm so glad she has him tosnuggle with, I'm sure it helps to get her mind off things.
Don't worry about it too much, Ed?? How can yousay that?? This isn't a normal "one leg shorter than the other"situation. Yes, a lot of us do have that, myself included, due tovarious reasons. This is MUCH more serious than what everyoneelse deals with. Adjustments won't fix this problem. Getting a shoelift won't ease her pain. This is literally effecting the way she'sgrowing. Look at how young she is and tell me it isn't cause forconcern.

I'm sorry, that just really made me angry and I had to say something.
It's okay. I knowwhere Ed was coming from. He was just saying that with all the otherthings I am worrying about, that this may not be significant in the"big picture". He thinks like my husband does, so I understand wherehis heart is.

And then here comes Stephanie with clawsout, ready to defend us! You guys are all great! But listen,don't let my stress make you snap at each other. We need all thepositive vibes we can get around here!

Thanks for all the support.
