A Gift for Sebastian's Little Girl With Love from her Forum Family

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Elf Mommy wrote:
Yes, thank you Carolyn! I knew it would take off if you worked it out.

What big hearts our members have!!!

My contribution is on its way! :)

Bless your heart, Minda! :pray: :kiss:

You had faith in our members and look at how they're coming through!

Thank you for the inspiration.

* * * * * *

Let's make one thing clear.

It's each and every one of you that I thank and bow down to. Big Deal I started this thread. That means Nothing.

It's the ones who answered the call that are to be thanked.

We're on our way to giving the hot tub that will bring comfort to SLG.

God, I hope we can pull this off for this precious child before the cold weather and pain sets in.


Thank you all SO Much.

This community, it's prayers, and Love continually ceases to amaze me. We've worked miracles.


Having RA myself and I definitely want to helpSLG out. I'm short on cash right now with my new job, but I'msure I could do something. However, I don't doPayPal. I had a bad experience (not with PayPal) but letsjust say that I don't give my bank or credit card numbers ever onanything. Is there any way I could send a money order orsomething?

I have maxed my Paypal account out buying rabbitthings and clocks and beer steins. I use money orders andchecks now. I don't want to get verified on Paypal and havemy bank account info there. Any idea?

:shock:Igot home from taking SLG to soccer practice and thepharmacy,and there were 9 email notifications that said wehad over $300.00 already!!



we are on our way whohooooooo ,

still waiting on a return Phone call tho :ponder::waiting:
I am sorry she is feeling so hurt.. as of rightnow I dont have any cash I could offer cause payday is a weekaway.. If the need is still there in a week, I am sure Icould spare something. Every dollar counts rights.

Believe me, the need is still going to be therenext week and the week after that. Every dollar helps. Pleasedon't apologize for being unable to 'give more'. The factthat you're giving anything means the World to this child's ease ofsuffering.

Those that don't to use paypal,but do wish to contribute to this great cause tohelp this child can send me their donation with a note on the outsideof the envelope saying "For SLG" and I'll forward it to Raspberryunopened, of course. PM me for my address.

Just look at how all of your small donations have added up though! Itold Raspberry not to get too psyched because she'd probably get only afew dollars. I know how poor we all are and how hard it is,especially these days to part with our money, but again, I'll quoteBuck: "What goes around, comes around." Thankyou so much for putting yourselves out. This is a great start towardsSLG's comfort and ease of pain for the cold weather approaching.



God Bless each and every one of you.


I shared this in a PM with Carolyn and she said I might want to suggest it here...so I am.

Tiny made a donation yesterday - actually, I did...but you know what Imean. I couldn't afford much - but I thought it was easier tocome up with an amount when I looked at my approximate budget forTiny's treats for one month. Of course, he has plenty oftreats already...but *if* he were to go without them for one month(which he wouldn't)....how much would that be?

And that's how much *he* donated via. paypal. It wasn'tmuch...just the cost of some craisins and yogurt chips andbananas.

However, for some who might want to give but aren't sure how to come up with the money...here are some suggestions:

a. donate your soda money for one weeks' worth of sodas atwork? Just drink water...for one week...for SLG's health'ssake...and donate that amount.

b. pack your lunch for one week...don't buy fast-food orwhatever. Take the amount you'd save - and donate it.

c. Skip a treat for a week..maybe its the movies....send thatamount...or maybe you can rent a movie instead of going out to themovies

d. Do you normally go out for Sunday lunch? Maybe pack a homemade picnic this Sunday and send your savings.

e. Save your spare change for a week or a month orwhatever...and donate that. So what if you have to rollpennies? Isn't she worth it?

Many of us can't afford to send anything...and if you're in thatposition - you can still do something for SLG. Send yourthoughts and prayers her way....post on her thread cheerful things tocheer her up. Send her a FREE internet postcard or greetingcard. Write a letter (snail mail) and have Carolyn forwardit. Take a picture of your rabbit(s) (.17 to develop atWalmart if its handy) and send it to her with some "get well wishes"written on back - from the rabbit.

Also - and all of us on the forum can do this....or at least those ofus in the US. Write to your senator andcongressman. Make them aware of this illness...that fundingis needed to help find a way to stop it. If you need to -write to your favorite celebrity and ask them to donate to thisneed.....even if its by playing on some celebrity game show.Raise awareness of this ailment/disease and the need for a cure.

Doing any of these things -may ultimately help SLG.

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.


P.S. I truly believe that when we have an open heart and giveto others - we're ultimately blessed in someway. Sometimes itis financial...sometimes it is just in knowing we did the rightthing. We were shocked yesterday at Art's paystatement...turns out that it was larger than usual...by 8.5 times thesmall amount we donated to SLG. So you see....Tiny won't haveto go without his treats....(I'm sure he's relieved)....
I too plan on donating, either today or whenDave gets paid next Thursday. We're on a single income (doing ok buthave to budget of course), and I need to make sure all the bills are inorder first. We're all caught up on everything so far, and just boughtfood for both the cats and rabbits, including litter. So they're allset for that.

Anything helps in caused like these. Even if you can only give tenbucks, that's ten bucks towards the end goal. Even if it's five. Justthink, if we all donated just five, and 500 of us donated just five,that's $2500, just to give you an idea. :)
Excellent suggestions,Peg .And so very true,Stephanie.:highfive:

As I said folks, don't worry until not being able to give rightaway. This post is going to be around for a while.

I've shared it with a couple of friends and acquaintances that aren'teven on this board and don't know Raspberry and SLG, but they were soempathetic to this Beautiful Child having such a serious issue thatthey are going to, or already have, sent a donation.

I just hope and pray that she can have a hot tub by the time the cold weather hits.

BunnyMom wrote:
It feels good to have been able to help such a great kid!:)

I've been trying to figure out who that angel from Spring Valley, NY was!!! :angel:

I didn't recognize your off-forum name!

Thank you!


I'm having Carolyn help me sort out whois who, so I can begin the Thank You process! There are going to be somany!

Hey we'll be there. I would love to meet youguys. Carolyn, SLG, Raz many more I would love to meet all of you guys.Your donation will be coming through.
BunnyMom wrote:
Maybe next summer we can have a "Bunnies Hot-Tub Party" in Kansas!:p



