The needle may not have been positioned properly between the skin layers if it was a subcutaneous injection, and hit a blood vessel causing the bruising, or the fluid injected into the skin layer instead of between layers, caused irritation and rupture of some blood vessels resulting in bruising. Usually it should gradually heal without any problems.
But if the bruising is also associated with an allergic or dermal reaction to the vaccination, and it causes concerning symptoms, your rabbit may need treatment for the skin reaction and you should contact your knowledgeable rabbit vet right away. Possibly immediate emergency treatment may be needed if life threatening symptoms develop due to anaphylaxis.
Or if the bruising opens up into a weeping wound, it may be a sterile abscess has occurred from the injection. These usually heal normally over several weeks without any additional treatment needed. But if any complications occur, like a bacterial infection, this will require contacting your vet for the proper rabbit safe antibiotic to treat it.