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I was thinking about Jeremy today, and hoped tohear such good news!!!!!!! I wish him a fast and successfulrecovery!!!


Sounds like things are looking up! I hope it he is up running around again soon!
Jeremy is sleeping right here next to me. Ijust had to tell you. His recovery is nothing short of a miracle. Eventhe doctors can't believe the improvement.He may be able togo to school on Monday if he feels up to it. I'm so happy I could cry.Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. The Good Lord pulled himthrough again. He'll be going to the cardiologist, nuerologist,orthopedist, pedatrician, and respitory specialist this week. The wayit looks is he's over the worst of it. YEA!

Tina, AllI can say is blessyour heart! You and your family have been through a lotlately. Sounds like your little guy is on his way torecovery. Don't let him do to much to soon. Does hereally need to be going back to school so soon? Are you surehis immune system can take being around all those other gremykids? I am sending blessings ,warm hugs and positive thoughtsto your family. Hope all get back to normal for you verysoon. Beckie
dajeti2 wrote:
Jeremy is sleeping right here next to me. I just had totell you. His recovery is nothing short of a miracle. Even the doctorscan't believe the improvement.He may be able to go to schoolon Monday if he feels up to it. I'm so happy I could cry. Thank you allfor your thoughts and prayers. The Good Lord pulled him through again.He'll be going to the cardiologist, nuerologist, orthopedist,pedatrician, and respitory specialist this week. The way it looks ishe's over the worst of it. YEA!


I can only imagine how exhausted you must be now after going throughall this with your little boy. We are keeping you in ourthoughts and praying all goes well at the specialists. Givethat precious guy a hug for us and hang in there!!!!

that is so wonderful to hear!!!!! im so glad thart he is doing better!! :)

its so hard when your children are sick. you always wish you could be sick for them.

once again, glad to hear hes doing so well and made such a fst come back.:)
Jeremy went to the doctor yesterday. Theinfection surrounding his heart has been cleared up. His strep throatis getting alot better. He has an appointment at 3pm today to see ifhis broken thumb has healed.

I also want to take a moment to thank you all for your support. It really means alot to my husband and to me. Thank you.

thatisFANTABULOUS news! Nothing short of a miracle indeed :) veryhappy for Jeremy and family!


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