Thank you! So it does not indicate that anything is wrong?
I think it is a fold of skin. She is not overweight. Actually I am worried about her condition. First, we didn't know she was pregnant so she didn't get any special diet when she was pregnant. Then, we discovered she got babies when they were 2-3 weeks old. I was gone for vacation, and my husband just took a very basic care of the parent buns. Only when we discovered the babies, I got her special food for lactating rabbits.
She never eaten hay well. She was eating alfalfa well while she was nursing.
We kept 2 children. They still get alfalfa but as e keep them all together, mom is still eating alfalfa (I know it's bad). I bought her flavored timothy hay (with mint, carrots, hibiscus, etc) but she is not eating it.
I just recently noticed that when I bring the food (normally 2 bowls per 4 rabbits) or tray with veggies, and they all run into it, she just steps aside (probably thinking "Oh lord I am tired of all of you stealing my food"). I try to feed her separately when I can.
She is also a very stubborn picky eater. The Parents still refusing to eat sherwood forest food for adult rabbits.
I would say that her nutrition has been pretty compromised due to all the factors above. She is the worst looking rabbit out of 4. Her fur doesn't look pretty. She also getting smaller in size, but the ball of fur looks bigger.
What could you suggest? Different pellets? I am going to try orchard or some other grass hay, whatever I can buy.
Those of you who have a lot of rabbits --- do you feed them separately?