6 months :-)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
Henderson, NV
I just wanted to share that I've had my boys for six months now. I'm so glad I have them. This is a rough time for me and they give me joy when I most need it.
I've had Stewie for 6 weeks now and i couldn't imagine my life without him now :)
So i can relate!...Here is playing hide and go seek today lol
Sorry you are having a rough time right now but glad that you have your bunny boys to help you through these rough times! Same here but I've got my bunny girls! My "pets" are my babies & they are the ones that keep me going even during the bad times. Bless their little hearts! Hope you don't mind but I will be praying for you. Take care & give those boys a big bunny hug & a favorite treat for me!
Stewie is so cute. I'm glad to see you posting pic of him! How cute he is under the foot stool just watching the cat!!!!

blwinteler I'm glad to see your boys are helping you out now through what must be a difficult time for you and I hope and pray things get better! Give them a couple of extra nose rubs!

Aren't they great? Bella is our first rabbit, and although we've only had her for a few weeks, she sure has made a place for herself in the family.

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