3 Days left to get rabbits out of shelter in Plam City Fl!

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Ape337 wrote:
I have a stupid question: if you stop the vehicle for a potty break/water the bunnies, would it be wise to keep the engine running? Would they break out in fights? I only have 1 experience with bonding (not in a vehicle) and it went very badly so any advice I can give Steve is greatly appreciated :)

Also would it be ok to offer greens at stops to keep them hydrated? Or should Steve offer water? He is carrying orchard grass with him.

When I travel with the bunnies I always travel with an extra remote. That way I can leave the car running and lock it. My main concern is the heat. The car can get hot very quickly.
I finally broke the news to Pat that we will have 15 rabbits in the house Friday night. I'm all set. I have 7 pens already and went out today and bought enough litterboxes, carpet remnants and bowls for all the pens.
Is it any consoluation that it will only be one night? I am getting really excited to have my new kids home :)

I think it will be only right to read the bunnicula books to the new kids. Historically I have read Watership Down to settle rabbits in, but this might help Bunnicula learn her name faster.
I'm actually excited about hosting the bunnies. I think Pat is too, but he would never admit it. I'll sneak some pictures of him giving them all bedtime treats (yes, he does that every night).
It will be their first stop on the rest of their lives. From unloved to spoiled rotten :)

I have a feeling everyone on this trip will be adored and pampered for the rest of their lives, just how it should be.
Jim has a work conflict so he can not take the NY buns. I am willing to drive into NJ, but there's no way in heck I'm going into NYC. I'm a country girl at heart and can't drive in that traffic. I'm going to see what I can pull together, but if anyone has contacts in NY I would appreciate an introduction.
Sara - another thought that springs from a question Katherine asked in another post.....what pellets are the bunnies eating and can you send a bag along so the adopters can transition the rabbits to the food they use? We don't want any upset tummies!
MiniLopHop wrote:
Jim has a work conflict so he can not take the NY buns. I am willing to drive into NJ, but there's no way in heck I'm going into NYC. I'm a country girl at heart and can't drive in that traffic. I'm going to see what I can pull together, but if anyone has contacts in NY I would appreciate an introduction.

Brandy, I have no problem driving them into NYC but I work Sun-Wed. If you or someone can hold them till Thurs morning, I will take them out there.
MiniLopHop wrote:
Jim has a work conflict so he can not take the NY buns. I am willing to drive into NJ, but there's no way in heck I'm going into NYC. I'm a country girl at heart and can't drive in that traffic. I'm going to see what I can pull together, but if anyone has contacts in NY I would appreciate an introduction.

I'll be going out of town on Sunday and will be back Wednesday night.

I don't blame you for not wanting to drive into NYC. It's not one of my favorite things to do either.

Has anyone heard from Alisa yet?
I talked to Sara and apparently Alisa is on vacation this week, which is why she is slow to respond. I have left a voice mail and email so I hope to hear back from her. I'm willing to drive as far as northern NJ, so I hope she can come out of the city that far. Otherwise I will hold them and hopefully Jim or Helen can make the connection.

I will be so happy and relieved when the buns are all safely delivered. It has been rather stressful and it's to the point I can't keep down solid food. I'm hoping knowing I won't have to drive into NYC I will feel a bit better today. Anxiety sucks but luckily my buns tend to snuggle it out of me. I wish I could smuggle Becky in my pocket to work for snuggles during the day. :)
Yes I will send pellets for everyone. It’s a timothy hay based pellet. Also there will be 8 carriers I will not be putting the buns together that will be bonded ( petta,brown boy ect.) I don’t feel comfortable. But they will be staying the night with Patti and she can make that call so if she needs to she can put them together. Anyone figure out the NY issue Alisas info is [email protected] or cell (347)907-2764 Please bare with me its been a crazy day im trying to work on the transport and run this shelter lol  SO PLEASE let me know if there are any more concerns asap because after Fri its out of my hands. OHHH and I will be sending a medical record and info on all buns and yes there will be masking tape on each carrier about sex name and shelter id # to mach up to there medical paperwork. Ok I think that’s it! Oh and thank you all so much for helping them with there second chance. I feel blessed to find rabbit lovers to open up there homes and hearts!
The best way to get in touch with me is by email [email protected] or phone (772)708-9668 not by posting to me in this forum I don’t have time to check it too much in the day.

I looked at all the caged animals . . . . . . . the cast-offs of society, I saw in their eyes love and hope, fear and dread, sadness and betrayal. And I was angry”God," I said, "this is terrible! Why don't you do something?" God was silent for a moment and then He spoke softly."I have done something . . .I created you.-"Jim Willis
Oh 8 carriers....crap. Someone is going to have to stay in cage instead of a roomy pen Friday night. I need to go buy more bowls and another litterbox. I've never had so many rabbits in my house! I can't wait to post pictures of bunny camp.

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