This is my hybrid version of the NIC cages.
I had lots of NIC panels (great dorm room shelving LOL) but I couldn't afford to buy anything to make decent levels, hubby made a great suggestion to try designing something from my metal industrial shelves sitting in the garage!
I had two different widths, a 3 ft and 4 ft, so I put a 4 ft on the top and the bottom, and alternated 3ft shelves in between to make different floors. The NIC panels were zip tied together and to the shelves. (the zip ties hadn't been cut in this pic, I was making sure Bugsy fit before setting everything up and doing the final tidying)
I used binder clips to hold fleece down on the floors.
I eventually hung a litter box under where the orange shoe box is, that was his potty corner. He spent many hours running from the bottom to the top and back again. Was a GREAT cage, but once he grew up he made quite a mess peeing all over the wall, will definitely use for spayed/neutered litter trained buns in the future!
Now he lives outside with his girlfriend and their chickens =P
Looking to add to this set up soon, would love to give them free run under the hutch and run space off to the right
Bugsy and his girl Red