20 facts about yourself

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ok lets try for 20. I make no promises though

1. I have never broken a bone. I did something bad to my sholder once and I have had some pain playing rubgy but nothing broken.

2. I play Rugby. I am a prop and support a hooker. My ass was in the year book. I am so proud.

3. I don't like phones. I hate to make phone calls. It just scares me.

4. I have played more males in plays than females. I played John Coffey in Green Mile.
There were 3 big things worng about it, I am not 6'8", I am not a man, and I am not black. But there you go.

5. I was stage manager for a school play. We went to the U of C and I got to wear a head set. The power was awesome.

6. I like Stephen King. He is my favourate author. People look at me funny when I tell them.

7. I don't particularly like people. I just prefer my own company to that of others.

8. I have relationship issues. They are well founded.

9. I have trust issues and don't make friends easily. I also avoid getting too deep when I know it won't last. Espically at work and even school. i want to but don't know how to.

10. My pets are my life.

11. I have 2 conflicting points of view. One is neat and organized, espically with school and pets, this one is slightly OCD. The other could care less, messy room, messy house. It dosen't really affect my day to day life but it can be annoying.

12. I don't like nuts and will not eat them. I am not allergic. I am fine with some things as long as I cannot taste or feel the nuts.

13. I don't smoke or do drugs. I have had a few drinks but mostly mixers and cocktails.

14. I like garlic. I don't just eat it but if somethinghas garlic, there should be alot of it.

15. I am the youngest child. I live with my mom. My brother moved away last month. My dad died when I was 12. See #8 and 9.

16. My dream dog is a Havanese or a Newfoundland. Or both.

17. I want to be independtly wealthy and live on a ranch with dogs, bunnies and horses.

18. I think I have a touch of dexlexia. most of the time I read a write very well but sometimes I read words wrong and I don't know why. I also have trouble spelling. Sorry about all the mistakes in this post.

19. I have a general dislike of malls. They are mosly clothing, shoe or stores i don't care about. big waste of my time.

20. I need to have somesort of noise at all possibable times. Silence scares me. Its too quiet and kinda creepy. And the radio dosent cut it, i also need visual stimuli. if I have to think, bad things happen.

There 20 things about me, and the spelling sucks.
20, eh? well, let's see how far I get :)

1) At 6'0, I'm the tallest person in my family

2) I have eaten laundry soap (don't try this at home, kids! ;))

3) The only makeup I wear on a regular basis is lots or eyeliner, nice and smudged

4) I have never in my life had a professional haircut. Icut it myself

5) The vast majority of my clothes shopping takes place in the men's department

6) I love working on cars

7)I was the stage manager for a kid's production of Robin Hood over the summer. I got to be in charge of the stage hands (aka parents), be on the intercom with the sound booth. very fun!

8) I have been known to randomly yell rock lyrics in public places

9) I run a pet sitting business

10) I started going to a community college last year at age 14

11) I refused to wear clothes until I was four

12) My love for coffee borders on "addiction"

13) I am working on getting my HAM radio license

14) People often mistake me for a guy

15) To me, it is amusing when a half-asleep person plops themself down on a well-shaving creamed toilet seat, orshouldI say, theirreaction is amusing?

16) When I grow up (if that ever happens), I want to become a paramedic, fireman, policeman, veterinarian, lawyer or professional musician

17) I play fiddle, bass guitar, recorder, cards and hopefully bagpipes soon

18) I periodically struggle with depression

19) My dream is to find an old car (Camaro, Mustang, Morris, VWor Chevelle)in need of alot of work (I believe the real estate community uses the term "tons of potential" ? ), fix it up, and drive it.

20) My strong point in life is not math

Well, whaddya know, I made it! :cool:

My twenty, in no particular order:

1. I was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, and love it here.

2. I graduated from the University of Louisville with a degree in psych.

3. I'm an only child.

4. My rabbits are my first pets. Well, I have turtles, too, and they're technically my first pets, since my x-gf's kids gave them to me the same summer I got Peter and Bugs.

5. I love peanut butter and any kind of nut. I am a nut.

6. I own a house in a neighborhood near downtown, called German-Paristown.

7. I am a Mac user.

8. I like making the artsy stuff that hangs on my walls at home.

9. I don't really follow politics. --I used to, but it all depresses me, so I stopped. :p

10. I rarely get sick.

11. Lasagna is my favorite food.

12. I went to Catholic schools.

13. I enjoy steamboat rides on the river here.

14. I like hiking in the parks around here.

15. I like iced mochas.

16. I enjoy riding my bike.

17. I'm an avid local history buff.

18. I was a virgin until I was 25.

19. My favorite color is green.

20. I'm an honest person.

That's about it. I could probably come up with twenty more scandalous facts, but I'll save that for another thread.

1. i also HATE george bush.

2. i get along better with guys than girls.

3. i sleep with my bunnies

4. i have two bunny stickers in my car window

5. my dad died when i was 12

6. i ran away from home when i was 14 (very dumb thing to do if anyone is thinking about it)

7. i also have never broken a bone. I've sprained (sp?) my ankle and wrist though.

8. i've never had a dog or cat

9. i want to live in the country

10. i was born in germany

11. i can't stand people who think they're better than everyone else

12. i have 3 piercings in my left ear and 4 in my right.

13. i can't get enough of taco bell.

14. my first furry pet was a teddy bear hamster named happy when i was 8

15. i won't go out in public without some form of makeup on (i have a self-esteem issue)

16. i won't go out in public alone....i start to panic.

17. i hate doing laundry(but someone has to do it right?)

18. when i was 2, i peed in front of the leaning tower of piza because i didn't make it to the bathroom in time.

19. i have a3 year old daughter a 10 month old son and another child on the way.

20. i can't stand the fact that people don't seem to understand why i would rather own rabbits than have a dog or cat.

Ok hmm, I've been thinking about this all day, so here we go guys and girls..

  1. Lets start with the basics.. My name is Leanne
  2. I've never really done anything 'outrageous' (ooh... I left the bunny poop in the litterbox for a day.. REBEL ;))
  3. I don't travel.. I think the furthest I've been is to Victoria and right across the boarder in Washington, other than that, I stay close to home.
  4. I was locked in a shed for a couple hours (thanks to my brother) when I was 7, and was claustrophobic until I was 9. I would scream and cry if I had to be in an elevator or a small room(brothers :grumpy:) .
  5. I'm the baby of the family with two older brothers.
  6. I've never been to a wedding (That'll change this Saturday though!) or a funeral (thankfully)
  7. I get embarrassed and nervous easily, especially doing something out of my comfort zone.. I shut down and turn into a foolish red faced moron.
  8. I love spring rolls.. yumm!
  9. I enjoy cooking, but am terrible at it
  10. I've just recently started wearing a form of make-up other than mascara (and ready to throw it out, I can't be bothered with that mucky crap!)
  11. I want a whole variety of pets one day, mostly small rodents and birds
  12. I don't like tomatoey pasta.. rather have cheesy types
  13. I used to have my whole room horse related, up until two years ago
  14. My favouritecandy is Mike&Ikes
  15. I hate carrying a purse around, it's annoying so I usually don't
  16. I have a gap in my front tooth (My Madonna Gap I call it.. hehe;))
  17. I am deathly allergic to nuts
  18. I almost died when I was young child.(See #17)I ate something with nuts in it, then wasn't feeling well so I went to bed. Igot up shortly afterbecause my face was swollen and I was feeling really ill. If I had fallen asleep, I would not be writing this right now.
  19. My favourite game is Life or Clue
  20. I have three gorgeous bunnies (in case you were living under a rock!)
Phew! Ok, that's 20 facts off the top of my head lol! Good thing it wasn't list 100 facts! I'd be here for days :D
Michaela wrote:
. I don't see why people would want to talk to me as I can never think of anything interesting to say.
Michaela that is sooo not true! Hand on my heart you are one of the funniest people I know, you are always cracking me up on msn. And I'm talking tears running down my face, crying with laughter! Give your self a bit more credit mate.;):hug2:
Ok....lets give this a try then!:D

1) I have a very large family, due to the fact that my mum has 5 brothers and 2 sisters. However most of my cousins I haven't even seen since I was a baby.

2) I have a crazy aunt who my family hates (mostly because she hates us :p), because when my Grandma died she was horrible to my Grandpa and said it was all his fault.:XShe is also crazy, she lives with about 20 cats, has no friends and when asked how many siblings she has she says '5 brothers' but doesn't mention my mum and aunt!:shock::craziness

3)I am the youngest of my siblings, with an older brother and sister,whoI am very close to. I honestly can't imagine life without them. They are my two favourite people in the world.:hug:

4) I am pretty layed back when it comes to people, I can get on with most people, but the people I really reallycan't stand are suck-ups, arrogant people, confrontational people, and people who can't admit they are wrong.

5) I am extremely loyal to my close friends and family.

6) I used to be quite shy when I was younger, but after doing a lot of acting in school these past few years I am now pretty confident - although I still geta bitshy and quiet around people I don't know.

7) When I find something really funny, I cry with laughter! My friends love this about me and find it hilarious to make me laugh in a lesson, assembly or in front of a strict teacher.:whistling

8) I am an animal lover, with a special love for cats, horses and rabbits.

9) I absolutely love horseriding out in the country (hacking), and one of my favourite things to do is go for a 'fast hack' with one of my friends on our horses and jump over all the differentjumps around the estate.

10) I love reading and writing, especially creative writing - but I can't for the life of me write poems!

11) My parents have taken me and my siblings all over on past holidays, and although I love going to different countries and learning about the different cultures (I think it's good for the soul, and stops people forming stereotypes), I am a bit of a home bird, and prefer staying at home to travelling.

12) I am scared of flying, needles (Ihate injections), spiders and small spaces.

13) My cat, Ollie, is like a brother to me. I'd say he was my heart cat, but I'd be lying, he is way more than that. In the eyes of my family he is just a small, furry human.:D

14) I love Halloween, despite the fact that my family never really does anything for it! I also love murder mystery games, so my favourite ever board game is cluedo.:D

15) I love comedy films and programmes, my favourite ever funny film is 'the naked gun', and my favourite ever funny programme is 'Father Ted'. I watch Father Ted over and over and the jokes are still hilarious every time!:rofl:

16) I love going to the theatre, my favourite plays are 'The History Boys', 'Be my Baby', and 'Blood Brothers' (although techinically Blood brothers is a musical ;)).

17) I love my bunnies to pieces and am scared of anything happening to them.:(

18) Spring is my favourite time of year - although I love different things about all the seasons.

19) Ilove snow, whenever it snows here I am always out with my sledge trying to find a good hill to sledge down!:biggrin2:

20) My favourite type offood is italian food.

1. My friends (that I do have) refer me as the crazy cat lady. I clip coupons too. All I need is my own home with a rocking chair on the front porch to sit on and a broomstick to wave off the neighborhood kids with when they step on my lawn :p

2. I'm pretty anti-social. I adapt well to my surroundings and will interact when needed but when given the choice I rather stay at home with my animals.

3. I move around a lot and never afraid to go places I've never been to before. So far I've lived in Japan, Hawaii, California (of course), Illinois and North Carolina. (We might be putting Arizona onto that list but we'll see.)

4. I start saying I'm broke when I've used 25% of my money so while I complain all the time about lack of money, I'm never actually broke lol.

5. I over-analyze everything and have a need to understand every single thing. Drives people nuts.

6. My preferred method of dying (if given the choice) would be to die in my sleep or from freezing to death.

7. I have a very morbid sense of humor and tends to be extremely sarcastic. I also have a very cynical outlook on life.

8. Bookstores are my heaven and the sections I browse are true crimes, world war 2, vietnam war, the rest of nonfiction and sometimes fantasy (I love a good vampire story).

9. I'm hoping to own a home within the next 5 years so I can add more animals into my family. Hopefully within the next 10 years I would be able to adopt a child from Vietnam but the college education has to come first.

10. I grew up in big cities but prefer to live in smaller towns.

11. Tigers are my favorite animal and has been my only favorite animal ever in my life.

12. Mashed potatoes mixed with corn and gravy is my comfort food.

13. I would be willing to marry someone for citizenship, health insurance or other positive gains for one or both parties.

14. My motto is if at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence you ever tried. Also, kill them all, let God sort them out.

15. My little brothers are the only reason I still keep contact with my family.

16. I will cut off relationships of any sort (friends, romantic, family) if they resort to name calling. I haven't spoken to my father for 5 months now because he decided it was the mature thing to do to call me a female dog.

17. Lying of any sort will not be tolerated. I will find out eventually and I will turn into a psycho-lady when I do. I'm a horrible liar so I don't even try.

18. I'm an insomniac and nocturnal. Only way I could fall asleep is to totally exhuast myself, which sometime means I'm up for 1.5-2 days straight. And I'm always up at night anywho.

19. I've never tried marijuana (unless you count my dad and his friends hotboxing the entire house) and most people don't believe me. The smell makes me nauseous and gives me a headache and even if it didn't I see no point in it.

20. I'm actively looking for a religion/belief/cult to call my own and surprisingly the one I've most identified with most so far is The Church of Satan as founded by Anton LaVey. (No, I'm not about to go all sacrificial on my animals!)

So now that I've scared everyone off, how do you do :biggrin2:

Edited for grammer and spelling.
Ok, I'm gonna try this :D

1. I am the first woman in my family to not have children before 19

2. I am 4'10

3. I have a thing for duvet covers (bed spreads). I am fascinated with them. I paid $170 for my current one, and never see it...it always has a yellow blanket over it so the bunnies don't pee on it.

4. I have a hard time telling people I love them, aand always worry they wont say it back if I say it to them, so I don't usually say it.

5. People think I don't like music, because I barely listen to it. I actually like it so much that I don't want to overuse it by playing it too much. I'm very sensitive to sounds and I go crazy worrying I'm going to 'wear out' the pleasure of them if I hear them too often. I am home alone all day and have silence.

6. When it's night time, and I am the last to turn off the lights, I run from the dark lounge the minute I turn the light off and race to the hallway light, and have to hold back a scream. I get almost giddy with fear of the dark!

7. I love cars, and know how to do a lot of stuff on our one. I helped my partner dismantle his engine.

8. I know more about computers than I let on :p, so people don't ask me questions on how to do stuff.

9. I'm going to bed now, so that's a wrap!
NZminilops wrote
6. When it's night time, and I am the last to turn off the lights, I run from the dark lounge the minute I turn the light off and race to the hallway light, and have to hold back a scream. I get almost giddy with fear of the dark!
Yay I'm not the only one who does this >.<
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
2) I have a crazy aunt who my family hates (mostly because she hates us :p), because when my Grandma died she was horrible to my Grandpa and said it was all his fault.:XShe is also crazy, she lives with about 20 cats, has no friends and when asked how many siblings she has she says '5 brothers' but doesn't mention my mum and aunt!:shock::craziness

lmao @ the :crazinessface.

there is good crazy and bad crazy.

good crazy: putting on the biggest pair of womens undies you can find in the department store and running around yelling "i'm too sexy for these gruts!"

bad crazy: treating other people badly for absolutely no reason, including your own relatives. your auntysounds like she could be inthis category lol

Phinnsmommy wrote:
6) My family is kinda againt religion, but im still on a quest for looking for one that calls for me. Out of anything, I think I like buddhism, or something along those lines :)

7) I am pro-choice, anti-war

6 - right on! buddhism practice is very peaceful, open minded, and accepting. buddhist monks are some of the most gentle humble peaceful warm loving people in the world. they focus so much on simply the act of being a genuinely good pureperson andteaching moralfibreas opposed to getting right into the whole religion debate.

7 - i second that! :)
girlzilla wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
2) I have a crazy aunt who my family hates (mostly because she hates us :p), because when my Grandma died she was horrible to my Grandpa and said it was all his fault.:XShe is also crazy, she lives with about 20 cats, has no friends and when asked how many siblings she has she says '5 brothers' but doesn't mention my mum and aunt!:shock::craziness

lmao @ the :crazinessface.

there is good crazy and bad crazy.

good crazy: putting on the biggest pair of womens undies you can find in the department store and running around yelling "i'm too sexy for these gruts!"

bad crazy: treating other people badly for absolutely no reason, including your own relatives. your auntysounds like she could be inthis category lol

Too right - she is mad! All of my family hate her, except my Grandpa who is too soft and forgives too easily. She also spread horrible rumours about my uncle's lovely new girlfriend -just becauseshe is a sad old spinster who can't find anyone!:disgust:

She is sort of the 'black sheep' of the family.;)
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Too right - she is mad! All of my family hate her, except my Grandpa who is too soft and forgives too easily. She also spread horrible rumours about my uncle's lovely new girlfriend -just becauseshe is a sad old spinster who can't find anyone!:disgust:

She is sort of the 'black sheep' of the family.;)

ah yes, one of those charming spiteful screwed in the headtypes!

i've met the type. and you want to know what is really comes down to? theyare so unhappy withwhat's lacking in their own sadpathetic livesand so jealous of anyone who has a happy life, that they make it their psycho obsessive mission to sabotage anyone else who dares to be happier or more successful in lifethan they are. they are just bitter, resentful, insecure, sick excuses for human beings. i believe the correctpsychological diagnosis for people like thatiscalled "narcissistic".

all you can really do is feel sorry for them, and be grateful that you AREN'T them lol!;)
maherwoman wrote:

Your answers made me like you all the more! And, despite the fact that you only did half the number, you gave loads of information!

I, too, love your basic tea...with LOTS of sugar in it. I don't normally drink it during the summer, though...too hot.

And I, too, am extremely sensitive to smells, but mostly chemical type things like cleaners, perfume, etc. Natural smells don't bother me as much...unless they're strong/overpowering.


Aww thanks Rosie!!:hug: It was easier to write things oneI got started haha!

As I told you in another thread it's freezing here so I can happily drink lots of tea in Summer. ;)

Chemical smells do bother me too but the natural ones are really bad, another one is Mint, it's probably actually the worst. And dark chocolate too, the taste is worse but the smell makes me gag too, and people love those dark chocolate with mint sweets! How can anyone eat those? :shock:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Michaela wrote:
I don't see why people would want to talk to me as I can never think of anything interesting to say.
Michaela that is sooo not true! Hand on my heart you are one of the funniest people I know, you are always cracking me up on msn. And I'm talking tears running down my face, crying with laughter! Give your self a bit more credit mate.;):hug2:
Yes it is true, lol, but thanks anyway! :hug:

You make me laugh on MSN too, like...well perhaps I shouldn't give any examples! :shock::pBut I'm sure you know what I mean! :rofl:
Michaela wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Michaela wrote:
I don't see why people would want to talk to me as I can never think of anything interesting to say.
Michaela that is sooo not true! Hand on my heart you are one of the funniest people I know, you are always cracking me up on msn. And I'm talking tears running down my face, crying with laughter! Give your self a bit more credit mate.;):hug2:
Yes it is true, lol, but thanks anyway! :hug:

You make me laugh on MSN too, like...well perhaps I shouldn't give any examples! :shock::pBut I'm sure you know what I mean! :rofl:

Lmao, nooooo, no examples!:nonono::big wink:


Oh wow...I often wonder that myself. I can't stand either the smell or the taste of mint...and have to kinda withhold gagging everytime I brush my teeth. It's awful!

:hearts to you! :)

Michaela wrote:
maherwoman wrote:

Your answers made me like you all the more! And, despite the fact that you only did half the number, you gave loads of information!

I, too, love your basic tea...with LOTS of sugar in it. I don't normally drink it during the summer, though...too hot.

And I, too, am extremely sensitive to smells, but mostly chemical type things like cleaners, perfume, etc. Natural smells don't bother me as much...unless they're strong/overpowering.


Aww thanks Rosie!!:hug: It was easier to write things oneI got started haha!

As I told you in another thread it's freezing here so I can happily drink lots of tea in Summer. ;)

Chemical smells do bother me too but the natural ones are really bad, another one is Mint, it's probably actually the worst. And dark chocolate too, the taste is worse but the smell makes me gag too, and people love those dark chocolate with mint sweets! How can anyone eat those? :shock:
maherwoman wrote:
Oh wow...I often wonder that myself. I can't stand either the smell or the taste of mint...and have to kinda withhold gagging everytime I brush my teeth. It's awful!
Me too, I hate it! :XI have to get the Mildest mint one and even then it's bad. Why can't there be a nice flavoured decent toothpaste? :(I wish I still had Milk teeth, lol, the toothpaste was yummy... ;):p

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