Well-Known Member
So i went to the sale today with a friend and we stoppedin atthe animal auction (we new it was a mistake lol). She ended upbuying/rescuing 2 calves 1 goat and 2 buns! I bought/rescued 1 jersey calf (starving) and 2 buns. First i got a doe english lop very sweet also very thin.She also must have been in a tiny cage with other rabbits as she has bites and chunks out of her ears.Then i got a buck giant angora. He is also very sweet and thin. He is VERY matted and will be taking a trip to a groomer that lives on my street.Iim thinking maybe the elop doe is pregnant.She is thin and kind of has a big belly? As soon as i get some extra money they will both be fixed,after they gain a couple pounds,and make sure she is not pregnant. Haha my mom hung up on me after she found out i got the calf (as we already have a jersey steer) lol
Here are some pics of them. And any name ideas?
Here are some pics of them. And any name ideas?