Well-Known Member
My 14 year old got suspended last week.. This girl hit her over a boy and my daughter beat the crap out of her... she was suspended for three days the other girl got a ticket... now my daughter got a ticket for disrupting the class and has to go see the judge onfeb. 25... she accidently threw away her homework away when she cleaned out her notebook in class the teacher told her to get it out of the trash and she told the teacher she was not sticking her hand in the nasty f****** garbage... she got sent to the office and got in a screaming match there with the ast. principle and then screamed at the school police officer... they gave her on school suspension... I know this is no excuse but she has adhd and the doctor is trying to adjust her meds. I will be in the nut house before we find the right dosage... she is grounded right now and treating every one like crap around here... I want to go on a long vacation and leave her here with her father but i can't...