12.05pm and here I am here

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2005
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NSW, , Australia

Ok this is ridiculous!!
I was warned when I first came here that I'd get addicted and I thought "nah I won't"

Well I am!! I always check here as soon as i get home form work to seehow everyone and the bunnies are, and some nights I sit and read andread and read old posts etc and then I look at the time and think GawdI gotta get to bed and an hour later I am still here!!

I go to work and if I'm tired they say to me "you been bunny talkin' lastnight?" LMAO

I can't help it!!!

On that note I AM going to bed and I WILL stay in bed I WON'T get upilater and "just check" I WILL stay away 'till tomorrow morning anywayLOL

****Goodnight everyone and Goodnight bunnies everywhere***
Andwe're addicted to you, DearHeart.

I can't believe you thought about buyingRoberto Rabbittoo. We're out of our minds,Girl!

Have a good night's sleep. I'm jealous because I just got to work.

Sleep tight.

Yep, I am glad you are here (andBindy!). I don't want you getting too tired tho. Ido get the addiction thing also (note my post count! :shock:)

I have to say, I think about the people and bunnies here throughout myday. I'll keep those in need in my prayers, and I will dosomething or see something and think of one of the members or theirbunners!

There truly is a smile on my face most of the time I am reading thissite. Those silly antics everyone posts about, or even thebad habits or bunnytudes causing problems will give me a chucklealthough I am sympathetic to the issue.

i.e. Lucy getting angry she had to be in the cage... moving herlitterbox and digging. I can just see it! I have to chuckle,but I feel bad for Addytrix having to deal with the booger!

Get a timer Ariel. Limit yourself so you get enough sleep! lol
I am totally addicted as well! Firstthing I do when I wake up in the morning (besides letting Cosmo get hismorning jitters out)...I am constantly on this site! I'veonly been here a month and already I feel so close to the people here,like we are family! I'm always talking to my mom about thissite, "the forum this...the forum that.." she's like, "enough with theforum!!" hahahaha...

she says I'm bunny obsessed, but I feel right at home here!! Hope to stick around for a while!


Certified Bunniehuggers....oh my!

Not me.. no way..

I'm not addicted, not me either............Ionlycheck out the messages at 5 am before work,then log on in the afternoon 1 pm till supper when bunny issleeping, then come back on from 7 to 11 pm. Isthere a PROBLEM?:?

Rainbows! :p

LOL Bo maybe the timer thing not such a bad idea:(:(:(
We have one on Krystles' computer so her net time is limited during the week.

My trouble is I come in here and read how you and all the bunnies aredoing then I go off and do other things then I get to bed and I can'tsleep, so I come back and check on the bunnies again LOL

From time to time I get insomniac periods where I just can't sleep, allthis week it's been after 3am till I got to sleep, I get up do dishesetc and just potter around, it lasts a few weeks then everything isback to normal. I've been that way my whole life.

Whilst I'm up I think oh well I'll go to the bunnies LOL

Vanessa I get told I'm obsessed with bunnies too ;)

We all are addicted in our own way LOL That includes you Jim, Bo,Carolyn, Vanessa, Jenn, Pet_Bunny, all of you and everyone heremuhahhaahah:p:p:p:p:p:p

Carolyn I love that smiley jumping in and out of bed that is SO me LOL.

See now why would anyone else want to be elsewhere????

I Wuv you guys!!!
I have the same problem Ariel ;)

At least once every couple of months I spend a week stuck in aninsomniac period. Can't sleep until really late.Messes me up when I have work tho!

The buns love it when i go through that, since I spend so much time cuddling and snuggling.

Drives you nuts doesn't it , then just before knock off work time youget tired and by the time you get home and do everything you feel wideawake again grrrr
ariel wrote:

Drives you nuts doesn't it , then just before knock off work time youget tired and by the time you get home and do everything you feel wideawake again grrrr

How true, how true. Maybe we should take our naps at work. Ha ha.

Rainbows to you Ariel! :D

Now THAT is a great idea, my boss is very easy going but I not sure howhe'd feel about me sneaking off to the beauty room for a nap LOL:p:p:p:p

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