•°o.O The Tater Tots Family 2011 O.o°•

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It's our nephew's birthday party so we're off but I'll reply to everyone when I get back. Have a great day everyone!!! :biggrin2:
So Friday evening, Jeff came home and we were talking about the weekend and then he looked at me and said "Well we are at Nigel's tomorrow..." :shock:Total panic! I had completely forgotten. For some reason, I thought it was the following weekend. Bah!!! Mymain reason for panicking was that I had promised him cupcakes for his birthday. I like to keep my word whenever possible - especially with kids.

After having dinner quickly, we rushed out to the stores so I could get some marzipan. While we were driving there, I suddenly thought of something. Would his sister have cake? If I brought cupcakes, would the kids still eat the cake? Or would the cupcakes be ignored? I really didn't think it'd be nice to step on any toes so we called us. Turns out she already had gotten 3 cakes. :expressionlessLOL. Good thing we called. So in the end, we told him I would make his cupcakes but later because it was too much.

However, now we were at the shops without a reason for being there. Hehehe.I knew Jeff needed some t-shirts so we went to the store where he gets his clothes and ended up getting him quite a bit of clothes. :)We got our nephew's gift (luckily he told us what he wanted as he's got so much we really had no idea WHAT to get) and went on a search for proper wrapping paper. Could you believe the wrapping paper is what gave us a hard time? Lol. He's turning 11. I think he's a bit past the donald duck and winnie da pooh phase. :pIn the end we settled for a basic bright orange and red striped paper. Red is his favorite, and orange is the national color so that worked. Lol. It took all but 30seconds for him to unwrap his gift but we like that it be wrapped nicely anyway. :biggrin:

Yesterday was noisey. Lol. Quite a bit of people. Most I had met, but some I hadn't. One man spent quite a bit of time chatting with me about his travels. He's quite an adventurous type, something which is sooo unknown to me. Lol. It was nice though. He had brought his photo abum and I got to see it. He had been to Singapore, Australia, and Bali. He told me how I had met his father not long ago butI felt quite sheepish because I couldn't remember him although I did after. My family is absolutely dwarfed in comparison to theirs. :p

I got to see Smores of course and he's doing fantastically well. When everyone had left, they let him out and he happily jumped on the couch and hopped around, seeking attention from everyone nearby. Unfortunately, I was one of those people who couldn't resist and ended up petting him quite a bit more than I should have. I must have put my hand in my face without realizing because before I knew it, I was having quite a bad reaction. We ended up having to leave and I medicated last night. I slept well but woke extremely groggy, stuffy,and my eyes are still swollen. Jeff has snuggled me up in my blanket and given me my pillow so I'm writing this from a very tucked in position. Lol.

We are taking Giggles there in a bit. We cannot wait to see them together at last. I hope my asthma and allergies play nice while we deal with the bunners. It's going to be terribly hard to leave her, especially since she's so much like my heartbunny but in the end, seeing Smores so happy, and seeing how ill I still get, only reaffirms our position. Those two belong together and now they finally have that chance. :)I´ll take my camera along this time.

Thank you. Yeah, I agree with you. I guess we're different kinds of people, them and I. Seems like you can certainly understand that too. *Shrugs* The thing that bugs me the most is that they really do love animals and they especially love that cat. However, for as long as I can remember, they have such a hard time with proper spending and priorities. They always play the money card after they've gone and spent on something that wasn't needed. It drives me batty. For the rest, they are equipped. They have the information as well. They just seem stuck on wanting to prove me wrong. :)In the end, I really should stop hoping for better with them involved. Lol. What bothers me most is that when I talk to themI can still get in a mood despite being so far away. Aside from cutting all contact, it seems like I am doomed to get frustrated when talking to any of them. I'm trying so hard to not resort to that.

LOL @ not trusting non-animal lovers. I gotta agree with you :p

Weeeeee skittles!!! Hehehe silly thing you :biggrin2:


Hehehe you are right. It confuses me though because they do love animals. In fact, they are probably the reason why I've always had animals around. Their real issue is money. It's pretty much destroyed our relationship. I guess that's the real problem.


Thank you for the hug. I appreciate it. Hehe I bet you do. I think a lot of us can relate when it comes to these kinds of issues. I'll be waiting for your take on things. :)


Thanks. You are right about how much more animal lovers can understand this issue. It's why I couldn't resist coming here to vent. :)I figured you guys would understand my frustration. Hehe. Thanks a lot :) I hope their cat gets taken care of soon too.


Hey, nice to see you hehehe. They ARE great! I am so glad I've decided to have them again. They are such a joy to have around. Plus, I'm not as allergic to them yet so I can enjoy them a bit differently. Lol. Is your Sam as high-strung as my Twizzler? I love the guy but he's quite grumpy and anti-human. Lol. :)

Ali, Brandy, Vircia, Sarah:

Thank you for the birthday wishes. :biggrin2:I'll give them to him today when we see him again. He turns 11. :shock:He had his party yesterday but his birthday is February 29th. Yep, he has a birthday every 4 years. Lol :p

Reposting from 2010 blog to 2011 one so it doesn't get lost nor confuse me :p:

- Nela...just finished page 1 of your blog and your pets are so cute! I have a soft spot for Maybelle...lops are my favourite so I was drawn to her. They're ALL cute though. I fell in love with every last one. I like cats too, so I enjoyed this little video I just saw. It'll take me a couple days to catch up on your whole blog but I'm working at it. I'm enjoying it! You've left some wonderful comments on mine so I really wanted to read yours and leave comments on yours too. You take really awesome pictures!

- OK, I swear I will not comment after every page. But, the pictures of Maybelle in the tub...the first one, with her head poking over the top, soaking wet, I burst out laughing! Also, your gray and white piggy looks a lot like my Sam. There's one picture of him on my blog.

Also, all the pictures you post, I love them! You've inspired me to add more pictures to my blog :)


Hehehe thank you so much for reading our blog. I am glad you like the furbabies. :biggrin2:Maybelle seems to charm quite a few people. She'll be thrilled to hear that she is your soft spot. ;)I am glad you are enjoying the blog. That's quite a bit of blog to read. Lol. I babble a lot :pI am happy you love the pictures and that it has inspired you to add more to your own. :biggrin:That picture of Maybelle gets me laughing as well. :p

As for the part about leaving comments..T. Well, I know it can be a bit disappointing if people feel like their blog isn't being read. Most of the time, people read but don't leave comments and it feels like you are talking to yourself. Hehehe. I find it especially true when it comes to new blogs so I try to leave comments so people know that others are reading and absorbing it. :)Plus, I really am interested. Hehehe. Oh and you can comment as much as you want. I love comments :biggrin2:
Isabelle/Rico looks like twizzler. so sweet. xo


Isabelle/Rico? Who is Rico? I missed something. Lol. Or are you not sure of the sex anymore? Hehehe I do have a liking for white and gray animals. :biggrin2:

It is so hard when you want to connect to someone that close and can't. My father time and again has put people in front of my brother and me. So many times during times where he SHOULD have been with us. Now I am some what friends with him. At this point in time I give up trying to ever have that bond with him just won't happen. His family... I have nothing to do with them.

I sometimes think the family you choose is better than the one you are born with. My husbands family has accepted me and they are 10x better than my bio father and his lot.


You are right, it is veryhard. I think it's easier if you don't WANT to connect but when you do and fail, bah. I understand. I don't try to have the bond that I've wished for but at least some sort or relationship would be nice. To be honest, most of the time I feel like I'd be fine with not having contact with them. They are family though, and I try hard to appreciate them but I do admit that it gets hard to do so at times. Especially with having a new family that I actually feel like I belong to. Hehehe I guess you can totally get what I mean ;)
Yes, Sam is extremly high strung! He throws what I call Sammy tantrums. His nickname is *****, it's the Sam version of Rambo. I also call him Sam I Am lol. He's a character...and he tells lots of stories.

UUggg, I understand about money priorities. A couple years ago my dad had just bought a brand new jeep with all the bells and whistles. It's a long storry, but I needed $3,000 for school in two days (they had accepted the derferral then they weren't anymore etc). I only needed the money for two weeks and then I would get it back from my company. My step monster screamed that I would even ASK to borrow money. They always have new this or that and a huge house etc. My mom was a single parent raised my sister and I on no child support. I hated to even ask her, but she sent the money, which she had saved for weather proofing the house. Luckily I was able to get it back to her before the windows came in. *sigh* Anyway, long story short, my dad is very irresponsible and never grew up. My mom has worked so hard and would do anything for us, she's just a bit over protective. I guess it is just where people's priorities are. For us, our pets are at the top of the list. :hug:

I hear you. It'sbest to walk away at times.


Lol. Ah well I am glad Twizzles isn't the only one then. He's the first high strung guinea pig I've had but he's fun anyway. Hehe. I like '*****' hehehe. :biggrin:


Ugh. I can relate to that all too well. Unfortunately for me, I was told I brought shame to my parents for asking for help with my school books and ended up withdrawing from college over it. They categorically refused to help me with college from that point on. I was 16. I don't think I ever really got over that. A few months later came that famous spa with gazebo, etc. Over 5000$ at least. I think I still resent them for it even though I try not to. Do you ever feel bad about resenting that about your father? Isn't it odd that we would feel bad over something they should feel bad? Bah. Vicious thing. Hugs to you. I so sympathize. Cudos to your mother for being so awesome though. :)
[align=center]Together at Last

When we moved into our home, we already knew we would have bunnies. We got Smores and Ashlynn, two adorable bunnies. Sadly, Ashlynn passed away soon after and Smores was left alone. Knowing that we had to house the bunnies outside, we felt strongly about having a pair so that they wouldn't be too lonely. That's how we got Maybelle. However, Maybelle and Smores really didn't click. They were alright for the first few days while Maybelle was still a bit frightened of her new surroundings but once she had gotten settled in, she wanted nothing to do with Smores at all. They hated each other and fought badly enough. It would not work.

Then came Giggles.

As previously mentionned, the moment I saw Giggles' ad, I was drawn to her. I didn't really want a third bunny but when I saw her, I had to have her. I really wanted to take her in. She had the same look in her eyes that my heartbunny had. Terrified, but oh so sweet. Jeff agreed to take her in and off we went. I was absolutely correct about her. Not a mean bone in her. Just a terrified lil bunny wanting nothing but love.

And perfect for Smores.

They hit it off immediately. From the moment Giggles got a look at Smores, she came to life. There was something about their bond that you couldn't help but smile at. Of course, we couldn't actually allow them to be together with them not being speutered and all but we did let them interact through a divided playpen. Watching them binky for each other was always such a sight. They groomed each other through the playpen, danced, lay beside eachother... It was love.

In fact, they loved each other so much that they were determined to make a baby. :expressionlessThat's how we ended up with Rolo, our lil 'oopsie'.

Unfortunately, with my allergies being as severe as they are, decisions needed to be made - for my own well-being, as much as for the bunnies'. Jeff's sister was looking for a bunny but I was expecting her to be taking Rolo, not anyone else. It later came up that she preferred two bunnies and would not be taking Rolo and she had started looking for bunnies from elsewhere since I seemed to only want to let go of Rolo. Knowing this, and knowing full well that 4 bunnies would make it nearly impossible for me to take care of the bunnies properly, I offered Smores and Giggles. It was a really hard decision to make but one that I do not regret. She accepted and they got Smores around Christmas.

So all this time, I've held onto Giggles while Smores was neutered and recovered. With Smores gone, and Rolo being kept separate, Giggles reverted to being the shy, lonely bunny and it made me sad. Today, was a day I had long awaited. I know in my heart, that she belongs with Smores and that she will be so much happier than she's ever been.

I was right.

We took Giggles there today. They had set up the large run outside Smores' cage and so I put Giggles in the run and sat there with her, leaving Smores tucked in his cage and allowing them to interact through the cage. Boy, the reaction was so strong right away. Smores went nuts. He ran from side to side and thumped multiple times. However, I was waiting and expecting to see the one thing that they'd always done when they've seen each other: the binkies.

And binky they did.

Once Smores binkied, I knew it would be alright. I opened the cage and out hopped Smores. The only problem we had was that Smores wanted to mount right away and Giggles was still so stressed from finding herself in such new surroundings that she wasn't too sure about anything. However, for Giggles, as much as it was heart wrenching to see her so stressed, I knew that once she and Smores were alright, she would relax a lot more.

Smores chased and chased and I broke it up time after time to give Giggles a rest. Smores actually realized it wasn't going to work and her took a whole new approach to it. He became all gentle and would inch his way carefully, nudging her nose first and then trying to mount her instead of jumping up from behind.

She finally got tired and she sort of just lay there and Smores mounted her to show her he wanted to be boss. She let him do his thing and at that point I was really worried that she was way too stressed. However, right after she allowed him to mount her he kissed her ears and nose and then flopped beside her.

That's when it all changed.

I don't know what was going through her mind, but it's as though she realized that Smores wasn't going to hurt her, he would protect her and she changed drastically from that point on. I swear, I saw her relax as he licked her ears and then her breathing slowed, her eyes no longer looked huge and she sat up, groomed herself, and then flopped beside him.


A lot of mounting followed but she never protested. I knew the last thing was being sure they could share the cage safely but I didn't push it and let them hang out there together. Before we knew it, Smores was jumping in and out of the cage, clearly trying to lure her in. She hopped about the run for a few, then sniffed the cage, tentatively peeked inside the cage where Smores was and then hopped in. That's where it went a bit funny really. They argued about who would run the household. Lol. He mounted her, she mounted him. In the end, I believe she won as he jumped out of the cage for a few and then returned to flop on his shelf. She decided to join him only the shelf was too small so that is something they will look into adjusting. Before we left, we saw them eating together and then kiss each other all over.

Smores was thrilled. He was doing DBFs and Giggles kept trying to find a way to flop beside him. She jumped in and out of the cage and began exploring her surroundings and then returned to him and kissed him.

At last, they can be together.

I expect Giggles to really change from this moment on. I know he will do so much for her. This was one of the best moments I got to share with bunnies. :)


[align=center]Is it you? Is it really you???[/align]


[align=center]Happy as can be...[/align]


[align=center]So the food is here?[/align]


[align=center]May I sleep beside you?[/align]


[align=center]*Happy sigh*[/align]


[align=center]And a few of Maybelle from the other day:[/align]




Just taking a moment to give myself a pat on the back and perhaps inspire others to do as much...

I'm very proud of myself at this time because I have been sticking to the cycling. It may sound like such a minor accomplishment to some but it is a big one for me.I am a pretty lazy person and exercise always concerns me because of my health issues so I have been taking things slowly but more importantly, I have been doing it. I know it will be a long process before any real amount of weight starts coming off and I also know that this is really more about a change in lifestyle rather than just wanting to lose weight.

What is most important to me right now is that I stick to it, and modify my lifestyle. I hope that at the end of this year, I will still be cycling daily and have better habits in general. Just the fact that I have the willingness, motivation, and determination to stick to anything at this point is a major thing for me right now. With everything I had experienced, I had lost a lot of willpower. It's coming back now and I am milking it as it comes. :biggrin:

I'm also very happy to say that my butt no longer hurts! :p

They really are. It made it easier to leave her there. I miss them but they are so happy and spoiled. :)Thank you.


I cannot draw butI love it. Lately, my artistic side has been screaming to be let out. I am looking to get back into music and do more arts and crafts. Recently, I've started drawing again. I have always loved pencil drawings and that's what I do for fun. I don't trace but I oftenhave a referral image about half the time I draw. Lol.

[align=center]Here are someI made back in 2008 (the last time I drew until now)...[/align]
[align=center]No referral:[/align]
[align=center]And the ones I made this week...[/align]
[align=center]I used a tatoo for the idea and changed the patterns, etc:[/align]
[align=center]Thumper! I found a pic of him online and used that as a guide:[/align]
[align=center]I thoughtI would share becauseit's all too common for people not to do things they enjoy because they don't think they are very good at it. I'm not very good at certain things I love but I will not let it stop me. Plus, I've managed to make things recognizable so I think that is progress :p[/align]
They are awesome. I have found scrapbooking to be my way of using my creativity. Which just makes me want to grab my stuff and start... so lol will grab it.

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