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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. B

    Hi, I'm new to this forum :)

    Lol! that msut be sooo cute! ^_^ Poppy is a little picky but Pepper will eat anythnig i put under her nose lol!
  2. B

    Hi, I'm new to this forum :)

    Awesome! do yuor rabbits like mint? Haven'ttried it on them because it ahsn't grown too well. I have my parsley ina pot on my deck so it doesn't get eaten. I have a garden and it'spretty high up with cement around it and I still see some rabbits inthere munching away! it's funny to watch them...
  3. B

    Hi, I'm new to this forum :)

    Actually, my rabbtis have no problem outside thecage jsut a few territorial droppings but i rarely see anything other.I have a cardboard box filled with shredded paper and they just go tothe bathroom in that. I ahve a litter pan in their cage but they justkick all the litter otu of it or dig it...
  4. B

    Hi, I'm new to this forum :)

    No, Pepper and Poppy are both not spayed. Itried to get my parents to let me, but they just think it's a moneygrab. I know about utrine cancer and evn after showing them lots ofstuff about it they still say no. :?Nothing I can do reallythen? I had a rabbit before, and she lived 9 years outside...
  5. B

    Hi, I'm new to this forum :)

    Yup! I just go by stuff i read and hear becausecompared to some people, I barely have any knowledge or expierence withrabbits. I just try reading stuff frm different places and for the msotpart all have the same idea, and aren't stupid i usually go with it.
  6. B

    Hi, I'm new to this forum :)

    Oh ok thanks for that bit of information.. goodto know becuase i was freaking out when i heard that informationbecause I do it often to cut my rabbtis nails. Thanks! sometimes can'tbelieve what you always hear i guess lol.
  7. B

    To drink? Or not to drink... confusing question?

    OOPS! I guess i shoulda looked before i posted tehehe lol anyways. ^_^
  8. B

    Hi, I'm new to this forum :)

    I guess if you catch them off quard and do itthey get under a trance? I'm nto sure, until i heard it, wehn I pcikedmy bunny up i would turn her over when i carried her if I was going tocut her nails. She would just lie there untill i flipped her up. Why it isn't with other animals, I guess...
  9. B

    To drink? Or not to drink... confusing question?

    This is a weird subject becuase, likeeverything, everyone has different opinions! I'd like to hear whatothers think on the subject of water bottles, or water dishes. Water bottles Pro's-are space savvy, keep clean, easy to get at, easy to mantain the rabbits fluid intake if it's measured...
  10. B

    Hi, I'm new to this forum :)

    Hellooooo! I was just looking up rabbitforums on yahoo and came to this! I've owned my two rabbits (Poppy andPepper, Poppy is a few months over a year and i've had her for about ayear now and pepper is10 months old and i tink i've had herfor8 and a half months) There both my little babies ^_^...