Well-Known Member
Wish I could give you some of my growslikea weed here! And my parsley was just starting to do well, till acertain unnamed rabbit discovered it. It seems he not only trimmed itto his desire, but it got a good tromping-on too. *sigh* Back to thestore for parsley from the veggie department...I've been trying to grow some parsley and mint, the parsley is doinghalf decent but the mint is just failing terribly! Guess I have to buymy veggies.. I give up on growing them tehehe
Tell your parents that spaying will help the digging and nesting instinctActually, my rabbtis have no problem outside the cage jsut afew territorial droppings but i rarely see anything other. I have acardboard box filled with shredded paper and they just go to thebathroom in that. I ahve a litter pan in their cage but they just kickall the litter otu of it or dig it out evn though they ahevapile of hay they cna dig in.
poor Bub!! hehe .. payback for all he does to you!
:laughoor poorbubbers geesh the things you doto that boy , and you wonderwhy he loves you so much lmao .