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Jul 27, 2005
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Hellooooo! I was just looking up rabbitforums on yahoo and came to this! I've owned my two rabbits (Poppy andPepper, Poppy is a few months over a year and i've had her for about ayear now and pepper is10 months old and i tink i've had herfor8 and a half months) There both my little babies ^_^. Idon't have TOO much trouble with them, except handling. They hate whenI have my hands in the cage. Note the s... one hand isalright but they run up and down the ramp as soon as I put two handsin! (Little brats tehehe).

I'm trying to convince my dad to build a ramp goingoff in the cage so I can not invade their personal space, and they canstill come out of the cage.

Also by the way, I'm just bringing this up randomlybecause i know a lot of people do this. When you put the rabbit on hisor her back, it puts them into a sort of trance? Ever wonder why? Wellfrom what I've heard it's like a brick on their heart and lungs so theyhave trouble breathing. I got that info from someone I know withexpierence with rabbits. She said if you have to do this for cuttingnails or what ever, make it quick!

Thank you and I hope I get used to this forum :)
Welcome to the forum. A ramp would be a good idea for both you and your bun.

Just an observation, but if laying on their back was like a brick ontheir heart and lungs, don't you think they'd avoid it at all costs?And if it were, why is it not like that for any other mammal?
I guess if you catch them off quard and do itthey get under a trance? I'm nto sure, until i heard it, wehn I pcikedmy bunny up i would turn her over when i carried her if I was going tocut her nails. She would just lie there untill i flipped her up.

Why it isn't with other animals, I guess there hearts are close tothere chests and up I think? Different palce i guess, anyways i guessit ptus pressure on it. Also I think i've heard somewhere that's whyrabbtis get heart attacks mreo easily then other animals? I'm nto surejust going off heard information
I'm afraid you were misinformed. Their heartsaren't in any place where going on their backs would cause themdiscomfort. Rabbits, if they're completely relaxed, have been known toflop onto their backs themselves. I assure you, a rabbit on its back isnot hurting itself.
Also, they're prone to heart attacks because their hearts beat soquickly and so are more sensitive to a sudden change in beating. A goodscare could easily give them a heart attack.
I heard that too, but am rethinking it. I have ayoung Palomino that would sleep in my arms like that, and my Hollandshave been known to sleep on their backs in their cages.

And kits in the nest sleep on their backs all the time. I tend to think "trancing" is just that--sort of like hypnosis.

Oh ok thanks for that bit of information.. goodto know becuase i was freaking out when i heard that informationbecause I do it often to cut my rabbtis nails. Thanks! sometimes can'tbelieve what you always hear i guess lol.
Nope. I believed that for a long time until my common sense and experience got the better of me. Something new every day!


Yup! I just go by stuff i read and hear becausecompared to some people, I barely have any knowledge or expierence withrabbits. I just try reading stuff frm different places and for the msotpart all have the same idea, and aren't stupid i usually go with it.
I will say this, though: I have two Hollandsthat seem to show signs of asthma, and they don't like to be flippedand tranced, although they will sleep on their backs when alone. Ithink it's because they get nervous about the evil nail clippers thatshows up when they get flipped, and thus start wheezing, and thatfreaks them more than the actual flipping.

Most rabbits are not like that, though. I have tranced many, mine andothers, and they do just fine. A very young baby will fall asleep likethat--a very sweet bonding moment. Three and four week old kits are themost fun that way. You can play with their little lips and stretchtheir legs out...oh thehumiliating things you can do tosleeping babies!;)Even funnier when captured onfilm. Like this.


rabbitgirl wrote:
I will say this, though: I have two Hollands that seem toshow signs of asthma, and they don't like to be flipped and tranced,although they will sleep on their backs when alone. I think it'sbecause they get nervous about the evil nail clippers that shows upwhen they get flipped, and thus start wheezing, and that freaks themmore than the actual flipping.

Most rabbits are not like that, though. I have tranced many, mine andothers, and they do just fine. A very young baby will fall asleep likethat--a very sweet bonding moment. Three and four week old kits are themost fun that way. You can play with their little lips and stretchtheir legs out...oh thehumiliating things you can do tosleeping babies!;)Even funnier when captured onfilm. Like this.


:laugh:poor poorbubbers geesh the things you doto that boy , and you wonderwhy he loves you so much lmao .
I've read that the trance is an instictive thingthat they do when trapped by a predator. The more theystruggle, the more the predator hurts them so they stop struggling inthe hopes that the predator will loosen it's grip, thinking the rabbitis dead. Trancing can be stressful for some rabbits (likemine- they both hate it) but others like it.

And I love that Bub picture!:D
James here,
My wife says that they trance when flipped is a survival tactic in thewild and (being a nature lover myself) when she explains it it soundsprobable. She says it is because when predators pick up preythey usually flip it on its back to keep it from gettingaway. The bunny will lie still in an effort to "play dead" inhopes that the predators will lax on his hold and let it roll overwhich at that point, zoom, the bunny runs for it.
The rumor that flipping them puts pressure on their heart could havecome from sharks of all places. you see the shark has thesame trance like state that it will go into if you hold it up by thetail (hence the pictures of shark hunters always having the sharkstrung up by its tail, no flailing). This position out ofwater though makes all its other organs press down on the sharks heartand will kill it after awhile most of the time. Here is ourfun zoology lesson of the day (isn't national geographic great).
OMG he took my last name!

Just so you guys know, Stee is a nickname made from my maiden name.:p I took his name, he took mine.:bunnydance:

And yes, our minds only add up to 2 cents most days.

Welcome to the forum Bugzy (and Mr. Stee). Youhave found probably the best rabbit forum in existence. It won't takelong to get used to this forum. Everyone has a great attitude and isalways willing to help.

As far as their territorial agresssion, are both Poppy and Pepper spayed. Getting them spayed should help alot.

Look forward to talking more,

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